Hi jilly6060. Here’s one photo. I would have liked to send a couple others but looks like only 1 photo is allowed. No Dr knows what it is and neither do I.
Weird sudden rash /hives: Hi jilly606... - LUpus Patients Un...
Weird sudden rash /hives

Wow, amazing the things that can go wrong. No I did not feel unwell at all, but yes, there was a lot of burning and itching so much so,it took all I had not to scratch my skin open.
I am sure the 3 x’s it happened it was after eating deli food. I’m not 100% but I know with the last episode happened within an hour after eating deli food I broke out and it was the worse breakout out of the three. More often than not now, when we eat out, I usually end up sneezing, watery eyes and nose blowing for hours afterwards. I think something in the foods are causing reactions.im going to look up on goggle what you had and I’ll be aware, if it happens again. Thanks for the info. What a great site.👍
I actually picked up the allergy testing paperwork from my blood clinic 2 weeks ago, now I need to make appointment with GP to get the tests signed off so OHIP will pay for most of the tests, hopefully. Very expensive though! Right now my calendar is booked up with appointments and tests up until just before Christmas. I’ll start the New Year of with allergy testing. Yehhh!!😂. Have a great Day! Holly