Calling all who are taking 'Iressa'!
I'm thinking of doing my own bit of 'simple' research on how well Iressa is working for us as there doesn't seem to be a 'national' data base.
What I want is for anyone taking Iressa to get in touch with the following info. I won't use your name I'm just looking at figures.
Here's the kind of thing I'm looking for: (this is me)
1/ diagnosed march 2011, Stage 4. T4, N1, MXa, . Inoperable.
2/ EGFR positive. Exon 19 deletion.
3/ started Iressa April 2011
4/ First scan (6 weeks after treatment started) showed 20% reduction in tumour size.
5/ Second scan @ 6 months. Showed complete tumour collapse, now immeasurable.
6/ third scan @ 12 months. As above. no change no progression.
7/ (awaiting 18 month scan)
You can up date me on scan etc as and when they happen. I'm hoping this may show us a pattern and hopefully some hope.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Lyn x