Two years since the big op for colorectal cancer, metastasized to liver and lungs. Nothing has developed, beyond miniscule growth, tho my lungs have the smallest amount more. My cough does not seem to 'work', it even sounds differently. We cough, engage against the epiglottis. It does this, but every so often, the cough does not engage and I unintentionally, my voice goes into a long note tho the spasm continues? I know it sounds abstract? ?Anyone? I take my puffers, which help a little......Kind regards, Jon
COUGH!: Two years since the big op for... - The Roy Castle Lu...

I am so sorry you are going through that. Sometimes coughs aren't productive. There are different coughs depending on what is going on in the body. What does your oncologist say or primary care? Have you told them about your cough? Are you feeling concerned about it? Prayers 🙏. Alicia
Thank you monnkeygir,l !Nothing is happening w tumours, not sure what is happening w my Diverticula Disease, the cough goes from coughing to a long, retching sound, as air is going thro the vocal folds, and nothing to do w nausea, My paramedic, nurse, said she is going to spk w a neurologist, I had a stroke to cerebellum. It's an enigma. Thankfully I do not worry about much, apart from other people LOL. Prayers are v good! I wish all yours will be answered, Jon
Glad nothing is happening with tumors but I know having a cough like that can be disconcerting. I am so sorry to hear about your stroke, how are you doing? Alicia
Dear Monkeygirl, In reality, I have had several, yet, I am still here Somehow, I keep functioning, intellectually. Not flexing, but I spoke eight languages (Needed for my job, I was a pianist) hands don't work and I am seeing a wonderful Speech therapist, and thankfully, my nephew moved in, who keeps me on my toes(when I am not falling) He is blessed w a good mind! It helps
I am very fortunate! I hope you rest well!
Pleasant to hear from you! Jon
Amazing you speak 8 languages! Do you speak Khmer? I speak three languages and the fourth one was - you know giving directions to tuk tuk drivers that were completely illiterate in their own language (could not read a Google map), proper greetings depending on the hierarchy, buying and bargaining, exchange of money simple stuff like that in Khmer (I had to learn since my husband couldn't manage the language - have to mange living). I loved living in Cambodia. Well, I digress, I hope you have loads of fun with your nephew, I love the distraction and help even from family. Blessings to you and your family. Alicia
Dear Alicia, No, ! That is the thing I can speak no longer those languages, and never did I speak any far Eastern languages, which is a shame! How ever did you manage under the shadow Khmer Rouge! O those hierarchical and status mishaps, I had enough trouble w German! I have no family,apart from an aunt, least not here, tho, a cousin on my paternal line contacted me, alas, I cannot go over there, now as I am a little unwell (LOL) I learned that my father was a pianist and a painter (Each of my uncles, were, too, to varying degrees! I actually took it up as a life! I shall forward your greetings to my nephew and those in Eire! And wish you the same, peace and good fortune and above all, hope! Kind Wishes, Jon!

Hello JonBechstein,
I am sorry to hear about your cough and other health worries. This must be very frustrating on top of everything else. It is good that others have shared their experiences and advice. I would agree that it is important you have discussed this cough with a medical team, particularly since this sounds like a new symptom.
You might find our leaflet in managing lung cancer symptoms helpful. It gives suggestions and tips for managing symptoms and side effects. It can be found here
I would suggest having water handy and sucking a boiled sweet may help produce saliva and ease your throat from coughing. Sugar free sweets might be a good option for you Our information on cough can be found here:
Continue to take you inhaler medication as prescribed and you might like to look at some of the breathing exercises which control breathing but may also help with cough.
I hope some of this is helpful, but if there is anything else you would like to discuss you can email ask the nurse at or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600
Hope this resolves for you and all the best
Roy Castle Support Nurse
Thank you for being there! I wonder how many people remember Roy Castle! of Blessed Memory? Cruel Irony that after a career in TV., and as a trumpet player, he was thus stricken w lung cancer I had also trained as a singer and do ten in an ten ou then twenty out, etc, walking 'round on my zimmer! LOL! I am curious to read new ones! Kindest regards to you! It cannot be easy, hearing about pain, each day, but there is joy in there, too, which, of course, you know about!! and I wish you much of it! Kind Regards, Jon