I am meeting with an integrative medicine specialist 12/7. I would love to hear some things people have been told to take (and not take) that have helped to possibly discuss with her!
Intergrated medicine ideas: I am... - The Roy Castle Lu...
Intergrated medicine ideas

Hello kri312
I have added below some websites that contain information on integrated medicine and complementary and alternative therapies.
If you are currently under treatment it is very important to make your oncology team aware of any additional therapies or medications that you are taking as they can have interactions with medication that you are already taking.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone you can call ask the nurse on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1600 and Friday 0900-1700, alternatively you can email us at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org
Kind regards
The Roy Castle Support Team
I went to see an integrative doctor at the complimentary medicine department, which is part of the cancer centre I'm being treated at. The doctor did assessment and prescribed homeopathy to be taken alongside chemotherapy. Also recommended acupuncture.I can't say if it works or not as I've only just begun, but I am open to anything that's remotely proven effective- this is the reason I chose to see a specialist within the cancer centre and not elsewhere.