Nasty cough with shortness of breath , Local GP suspected chest infection, prescribed antibiotics and chest x ray, this picked up a issue so had chest CT scan.
12th August. Suspected lung cancer to right upper lobe .!! Early staging suggests T3/N2/M0 this now May have been a bit premature as Bronchoscopy bio markers test
Could not be completed due to lack of testable samples. Now waiting on test results from EBUS ultrasound scan Bronchoscopy,
As it is now believed to be a Lymph node issue
I have been assured that it is only in one area of my lung and has not spread to other parts of my body so I thankful for that
With a date set for MDT meeting 11 th October.
I would just like to to put the list of testing that I’ve had over few weeks as I believe I have had the best possible testing to help diagnose
Exactly what I need to Beatthisthing.
Chest ct scan
Head ct scan
Head MRI scan ( noisy machine)
Lung breathing capacity test
Chest Pet scan
EBUS ultrasound bronchoscopy…..
It’s the waiting for results which is the the downside but once I find out what needs to be done treatment wise I can get on with beating this thing .
Feeling positive really does help and support from my family is so important so anyone reading this who is struggling alone please talk to family or someone who knows what there talking about as Google will not help one bit…
Thanks for taking time to read my journey so far and I’ll update after the MDT meeting…
Let’s. Beatthisthing