Morning all , I’ve got my first consultation tomorrow with the respiratory consultant , I know what to expect thanks to all your advice last week but I just wondered what sort of questions should I be asking at this very early and initial meeting ? Obviously I want to know how quickly next tests will be petscan or biopsy or both and when I might get a full prognosis etc but After that my brain left the room …. Could you direct me to a link on the site maybe ? Thank you so much Elly x
respiratory consultation : Morning all... - The Roy Castle Lu...
respiratory consultation

Hi Elly,
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow.
In all honesty I doubt there is much the respiratory consultant will be able to tell you at this relatively early stage. I recall that the respiratory registrar I saw initially told me not to "jump the gun" because just working from a CT scan it was not possible to ascertain if it was definitely a cancerous growth without further diagnostic tests (PET scan, biopsy etc)
In one of your previous posts you mentioned that your growth is in your right lung - you could ask him which lobe of the lung it is in and the size of the growth.
Maybe you could also ask what is the next step? and what timeframe are you looking at for tests and subsequent treatment?
I'm not aware of any links to suggested questions to ask.
Keep us all updated on how you get on at the appointment.
hi there
Other tests should follow quickly. In my case all cancer pathway deadlines were met and tests happened very quickly indeed. My final diagnosis was about 5/6 weeks following initial chest xray that flagged it up. Everything the respiratory consultant initially thought turned out to be absolutely right. I am sure he/she will give you every opportunity to feel as fully informed as possible. I know how difficult this waiting period is. Plan as much as you can in your diary to keep really busy. All the best for the next few weeks.

Hello mishamilo53
Sorry I know this may be too late but here are some questions from our Managing diagnosis pack. Depending on what tests you have had so far, some of these may be more relevant. In terms of dealing with lots of information at what can be an overwhelming time, it is worth considering:
A. What do I most need to know in the next week or two?
B. What will best help me understand the next steps in my diagnosis/ treatment?
C. Do I have the right support to help me manage how I am feeling and day to day activities just now? If not who can help me?
Questions to ask
1. What type of lung cancer do I have?
2. What stage is my lung cancer? Has my lung cancer already spread, or is
it likely to spread in the future?
3. What tests am I likely to have and what are they for?
4. How long do the results of the tests take to come through?
5. Is there anything that could stop me having treatment?
6. How is my lung cancer likely to affect me? Will I have more symptoms?
You can find a link here,
If you want to speak to any of our Nurses before or after your appointment you can call 0800 358 7200 or email
best wishes Lorraine @Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

Glad it is of use and remember you can write down the answers, ask the consultant if they are happy with you recording the consultation, or take someone to act as a backup pair of ears. It can difficult to take things in when there is so much going on, so best not to rely on your own memory. x