We are often approached by people trying to gather evidence from people living with lung cancer. Here are our latest 2:
1 ALK + patients/ carers
ALK + patients - we have been contacted by a company undertaking research on patient experience to help with the development of a new information resource/website. looking for people to participate in 2 workshops in London. Follow this link
or email maria.kekic@havas.com
2.NHS Experience of cancer
Tell us your stories!
The NHS is working hard to beat cancer. At the moment we are focusing on faster diagnosis and treatment of lung, gut (colorectal), and prostate cancers.
We are doing this because we think that faster access to treatment for cancer will mean better outcomes for patients, and a better experience of NHS services – including people who had a ruling out of cancer.
We want to better understand the impacts of new pathways for diagnosis and access to treatment.
If you:
•Are based in London or Manchester
•Received a cancer diagnosis or all clear within 4 weeks of first talking to a health professional about your symptoms; and
•Were asked in for a CT scan based on the results of a chest X-Ray.
We would like to hear from you what it was like to go through the tests and receive a diagnosis or an all clear.
How your voice will count
You may receive a request to be interviewed over the phone, asked to join a focus group discussion, and/or take part in filmed interviews in July.
The stories we hear will be used to make videos and written case studies which we will show to senior leaders in the NHS, doctors and other colleagues working on cancer, and members of the public.
Achieving better results for patients is why we come to work. So we want to understand and showcase impacts of the work taking place across the country to improve diagnosis for patients on a suspected cancer pathway.
Contact Kaz Obuka
Public and Patient Engagement Manager
NHS Cancer Programme
T: 011380 70644 , kalu.obuka1@nhs.net