Morning. Has anyone taken oral Topotecan, would like more information on side effects etc.
SCLC & Topotecan: Morning. Has anyone... - The Roy Castle Lu...
SCLC & Topotecan

Hi my husband had toptecan. The side effects were not as harsh as the infusion chemo. Is this your first round or 2nd?
This will be my third round. What were sise effects on the oral topotecan. Thanks for replying.
None really a little bit of sickness and tiredness. Unfortunately it didn'tdo anything for him. How long have you been diagnosed. We are into our 2nd yearand still going strong
What treatment did you have after topotecan
None it is all syptom control
Is this working. I am having an awful time on topoteca, so tierd and breathless. I was not like this before.
My hubby came off of it he was so unwell
Did he have similar symptoms, Fed up really. How do they manage symptoms.
Steroids and anti sickness meds that's all they could offer
Hope hubby is doing ok. I am just so tierd and no energy.
Yeah he was the same it really drained him. Considering none of the treatments worked well. He is doing really well. He has surpassed the doctors expectations. Keep strong and positive and you will get through it. Sending you positive feelings x
Morning. Thanks for your reply. Was their any hair loss and the big D and wondered how long did he take it for. I was diag Sept 14, I then had 6 Carbo/Etopside and 15 radiotherapy, all good until Dec 16, then had just carbo. Saw consultant last week and he is recommending Topotecan, hence my request on side effects. What treatment is your husband having now.

Hello Claudia211,
below I have added a link to cancer research it has an information page on Topotecan which includes a list of possible side effects. It is important to remember that drugs effect everyone differently and side effects vary from person to person.
If you would like to talk to someone at the Helpline please don't hesitate to give us a call on our Freephone Helpline 0800 358 7200.
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Roy Castle Helpline.