Months not years: Hi there.I am a 5... - The Roy Castle Lu...

The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

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Months not years

robber12 profile image
8 Replies

Hi there.I am a 52 year old dad with 2 children aged 23 and 35. I went to see a locum doctor as my doctor was on holiday about 1.5 years ago. I had been coughing quite bad for several weeks but all the doctor said is that it was just a cough and to get on with it as it would clear up on its own. This was about the same time as the TV campaign telling us all to get checked if we had these symptoms. I was quite upset when I got home and told my wife that I am never going to the doctor again.

Round about January last year I was getting a lot of pain in my hip and was being treated for suspected arthritis but not really getting much done as they couldn't see very much arthritis on the scans. The pain got so bad that in June last Lear I went on the sick, I am a postman and found it impossible to do my job. In July last year I went back to my doctor because my cough had got so bad it felt like I had something stuck in my lung's. The doctor told me to have an xray, I had one that morning then got a phone call form the doctor to see her next day. The xray showed a 7cm mass in my right lung. We were really shocked but thought all would be OK. After many tests, scans, a broncscopy And a fine needle aspiration I have got a diagnosis of advanced lung cancer with nodes affected and I have multiple bone Mets to my arms, ribs and in particular my hip,that is really painful. The doctors have all told me it is terminal and to think in months rather than in years. I am hoping for many months. I am on 50mg zomorph twice daily and other meds and on a daily dose of 150mg Tarceva, so I hope for a miracle, you never know

It is always in my mind that if that first doctor took me seriously in the first place then things might not have been so bad now. If she had looked at my records properly she would have seen that I was never in the doctors and not a hypochondriac.

Sorry or the rant but there is a good chance that my wife could lose her husband of 27 years and my kids could lose their dad, this year.

We had so many plans for the future but are trying to make the best of the time we have left now and make some happy memories.

We have a 15 night Mediterranean cruise booked for may 8th but I think that will be the last big holiday we ever do. It leaves from Southampton so no planes involved. We have to live for today now but are coping quite well, I just hope that my Family are OK when I am gone.

I thank you all for listening.

Rob x

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robber12 profile image
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8 Replies
waterfd profile image

Sorry to hear this Rob, We had a similar situation where Chris my wife kept getting antibiotics for her chesty cough. No other symptoms or discharges. December 2012 she had loss of sensation to her face and we went to hospital the day before New Years eve. Tests and Xray showed a shadow on her lung further tests showed Stage 4 NSCLC with Mets to the Brain, Liver and adrenals. She passed away in August last year after 8 months struggle we have been married 41 years 2 days after she passed away. I agree that the campaign on TV doesn't seem to reach the GP's unless you have a good one who has no problems referring you for further tests. Good luck with your treatment and enjoy your holiday. Regards Des.

Hi Rob,

It makes me so angry when I hear stories like yours, when will some doctors ever learn.... I am one of the lucky people who had an early diagnosis thanks to my wife's insistence and a good GP. I feel sogguilty about this at times wheniI read about some really brave people on this site. No one knows how long we have on this planet except for the Big Man upstairs, so I hope you have a good cruise and don't forget the sunscreen lotion.

Best Wishes


Hamby profile image

Dear. Rob

My heart goes out to you and your family life is so cruel sometimes my partner passed away in December 8 months after being diagnosed with lung cancer he went to the docs with a headache ( which he had never had before ) he sent home with painkillers within days the headache was so bad he had to go to A and E dept where it was discovered he had 2 masses on his brain they then discovered it had spread from the lungs . Unfortunately he had to take steroids to stop the swelling on the brain his quality of life was not good as he had no strength we also had 2 holidays booked for the coming year But with chemo etc we're not able to go . I and the whole family miss him like mad he was such a big part of our lives I say enjoy your cruise and tell your wife I know exactly how she's feeling it hurts so much let's hope you can be helped keep strong as my partner did and please talk about it cos if I have any regrets it's that we found it too painfull to talk about ( protecting each other I think) all the best.

Christine xxxx

Genie123 profile image

So sorry for what you hv gone through, like you say make the best of the time you hv with family , by the way did yu manage to get insurance cover for yr hols, as I would like to go away, I am like yourself terminal lung cancer, but reluctant to go away because of the insurance cost?. Enjoy yr hols.

lenora profile image

I am so sorry you have to join this site,my experience with my G.P is similar,I went about 6 times before I was sent for an x ray by that time I was in agony as it had spread to my ribs,I was told it was post nasal drip,then asthma ,then not asthma but multipal chemical sensitivity,I am so angry with G.P as I am stage 4,hope you have many good scans while on Tarceva.

janeg4 profile image

Hi Rob

Thank you so much for sharing your story ,I dont quite know what to say to you about what you and your family are going through other than that I send you my best wishes and hope so very much that you get that miracle.I feel the frustration and anger about your GP failing to take your symptoms seriously and I do think some times they can get it so wrong and miss the chance to catch cancer earlier .Despite the fact that one in is it three or four of us will experience cancer in our life time ,some Drs just put the symptoms down to almost anything BUT cancer,I have known a couple of people who attended their GP for months with symptoms which were not associated with cancer and it was to late for them.

My Oncologist did say that we are missing so many chances to diagnose lung cancer especially in smokers and ex smokers which may be found with a chest x-ray , surely this should be a routine form of screening when patients present at their GP with persistant symptoms !!.

I love cruising and just know that you will have a fabulous time in May ,where are you sailing to ?, have you cruised before ?.

Take care and be kind to yourself Rob and feel free to rant anytime you need to.


Blueblueblue profile image

Dear Rob, you sound like such a nice, caring husband and dad. I am so sorry that you are going through this. Enjoy every moment with your family. The cruise sounds like a wonderful trip. Thinking of you,

glpauler profile image

forget the cruise - Go to natural health clinic like OHI in Texas or San Diego - many cured from cancer by going to raw food diet, doing coffee enemas, cutting out meat, diary, sugar, candy, etc. out of diet. no smoking, no alcohol

I have squamous cell carcinoma in right lower lobe - doing raw food, supplements, essiac, hoxsley therapy, etc. but no surgery no chemo no radiation. do not give up hope - you can beat it.

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