i am on my third round of anti-biotics and nearing the end of this treatment and sure it's not working again. On iressa at rhe moment and that seems to be going well, if only I could get rid of chest infection.
Does any suffer with continuous ches... - The Roy Castle Lu...
Does any suffer with continuous chest infections and any tips how to help clear it up, I can't seem to get rid of mine.

hi I get them a lot one after the other not sure how you get rid of them
My husband has had lung cancer for 17 months and he has had a few pains in his right side. However, he takes strong pain killers three times a day and it does help.
yes, my husband gets them almost every month, i think its due to the fact that chemo and radiation damages the lungs leaving them quite prone to infections
Hello Susanroe,
I am currently on Iressa, started June 2013 and have had a few clear months until now. I saw my onc today for follow-up appointment and he said the recent CT Scan (30/9/13) showed a slight 'air-pocket' line between 2 lobes in my lung, and my bloods showed a slight change where my liver was concerned. He has given me a weeks supply of Amoxillin, and to contact GP if it doesn't improve. The good news is that my tumour is still at 4cm (from 7cm at diagnosis in May 2013) .
I feel different in as much as keep having hot sweats, heartburn....last time I was told these symptoms are not the Iressa, its me/maybe menopause, thought this time its still me/meno when actual fact its a chest infection. I also have a slight cough, and an ache in both sides of my clavicle. I know I shouldnt but I feel disappointed that I have got a chest infection so early on. I have always been fit and healthy, never smoked.
How do you manage with the chest infections, do you have these symptoms. I'm sorry I can't give any advice to yourself, but hoped that you could give me a few pointers since you are on Iressa too and dealing with chest infections.
Thank you
Karen x
Hi Swampduck,
lovely to hear from someone who seems to be going through same symptoms and on Iressa.[ I also never smoked]. I am just starting my fifth cycle, and still plagued by chest infection type symptoms and hot sweats sometimes, which I was told was probably my age too, a few other strange feelings of lots of little needle like feelings in chest which come and go. I cough a lot in the evening and it sounds crackly. Think my oncologist thinks I am imagining some of these symptoms as my blood test is fine, my last ct scan showed tumors have shrunk quite a bit which is great news, would be nice to feel the benefits of that.I've had about three rounds of anti-biotics and I am sure it has not clear it properly as soon as I finish I can feel symptoms come back. At the back of my mind I think about that lung disease that can be caused by Iressa, I'm having another ct scan on monday, oncologist says it will show up on scan if I have it. Take care
Hi Susanroe,
I understand exactly what you mean, and it sounds like I am experiencing the same symptoms as yourself.
I'm 52, may I ask how old you are?
After seaching the tinternet, and scaring myself half-to-death with ILD, and pneumothorax disease, I called and spoke to hospital lung nurse today, and she reassured me I'm doing fine, and not to worry. She stated that my bloods taken on 8/10 are ok, just liver slighly up....an 8 (the range is 3-22). and that my first blood test after starting Iressa was 11, my next bloods on 7th Aug were 6.....so theres no need to worry. I don't have any jaundice, and my glands look ok, maintaining my weight (not worried about dieting anymore), no sickness or diahhorea.....so its a bit strange. She also said the dull ache in my chest (just under clavicle either side), and strange dry feeling in my oesaphagus/throat is possibly due to bit nerves prior to results of CT scan....and try to relax
I was told by onc in August the hot sweats I have been getting was just me, but this time, according to the registrar standing in for onc this time, it possibly due to infection
So, my bloods are ok yet I have 'strange' feelings....I am aware that glands swell when there is infection, but I cant really see they are. I am going to see GP just to get her to listen to my chest, and monitor it for a time...Like yourself I am also aware of the side effects of Iressa.
Trying to remain positive, yet realistic.
Good luck for Monday, will keep my fingers crossed for you x
Take care
Hi Karen,
I am 58yrs and I have given up work now. I too get weird strange feelings in chest but my g.p. and oncologist do listen to my chest quite often and they always tell me everything sounds fine, so far my blood test are all ok. Do you have a cough or cough up anything? I always seem to in the evenings, especially if I lay down when I watch TV. I also get a very sore mouth and tongue often, I gargle with salt water and that helps a lot. I think the thing is that it's needing to know if certain symptoms are from the cancer or Iressa. As my tumors are shrinking I would like some of these feeling to go away.
Glad you feel positive most of time, I think that's the best way to cope. I like to be positive most of the time too. Thank you for your good wishes for my scan on Monday. fourth or fifth scan now[I forget] and I still get really nervous, silly I know. I don't like having that contrast injected into me so they can light up my lungs.
Do you work Karen? I was told that you have to keep away from crowded places and anyone that has an infection. I don't feel up to working anymore, apart from the coughs and colds very one brings in with them and sick bugs. My boss thought that as my tumors have shrunk "considerably"[ word that my oncologist used] that I should leap back to work[ha ha] Off to cook spag bol now and pour a glass of red. Have a good eve
Sue x
Good Morning Sue,
No, I'm not coughing anything at the moment, fingers crossed, it's more of a tickly cough, and intermittent, so its hard to pin it down to anything.
Its good that your GP and onc listen to your chest. Can't remember the last time mine was addressed hence I am going to insist each time I see GP/Onc they do this for me, just for reassurance ; - ) My GP surgery are useless...will tell you more another time.....you will need a big easy chair, and a bottle of red lol x
No I don't work now, I have worked all my life until this situation occurred.
Briefly......My hubby and I were made redundant due to company closure January 2012 after 28/26 years. Signed on for a while (complete learning curve that was...hated it), then April 2013 found myself a job locally.
I had informed work at the interview I was due to have a chest X-ray, and see GP for results which they said was fine. During my 2nd week there, I had an appointment come through for urgent CT scan, explained to office manager, she said not a problem.
Three days later, surgery called me on my mobile at 7pm to make an appointment asap to see GP. Next morning explained my call to the office manager and she said that's all ok, don't worry we all have to see doctors at some time....this was most inconvenient for me, and I was a little annoyed at having to attend...... and said to make a morning appointment, then go back as soon as I had seen my GP for results.
I saw my GP, who gave me the bad news....I was expecting antibiotics for a chest infection lol ....Naturally, after that news I came home, I needed to sit down, think I drove home in a blur. I told my husband the news, and we just sat....world completely turned on its head.
I called work within 1 hr of receiving this news, and office manager said 'you are going to need a lot of time off to take care of yourself.....maybe its time we part ways'!!!..........I had just told her I had terminal lung cancer....couldn't believe it. I do understand they have a business to run....but in the same conversation.
So, in 3 weeks I had found myself a job, loving it and I was on cloud 9......to then be told I have terminal cancer......highs and lows eh?
My hubby in at home with me now, he lost his job in June 2013, employer annoyed at him taking me to hospital etc...he just wants to spend time doing things together. We have been to Spain for 3 weeks in July '13 on our touring bike, and loved it. We have now changed our car/.caravan for a motorhome, and hoping to get away again soon for few weeks in some warmer weather, possibly Cadiz or Valencia, Spain. I am going to call LN at the hospital on Monday to see if they think it ok first....this chest infection thing has really spooked me.....currently making my own ginger tea (ginger has antiseptic properties) also slicing Tumeric root into fine pieces, and soaking in distilled white malt vinegar and eating as and when...again has anti-inflammatory properties and supposed to be good for alzhiemers.
I hope I haven't worn you out too much with my rambling......
Speak soon ,take care
Karen x
Hi Karen,
Hope you are enjoying a good weekend despite the horrible weather. I'm just having a relaxing one best I can, darting in and out of the showers to take my dog for a walk.
Supposed to have a flu jab yesterday but I woke up with a bad sore throat and felt a bit unwell so thought It was best to cancel. Wanted to get it out of the way.
So pleased that you have your hubby to be there for you, It's great to have that support.
I have been divorced about 14 yrs now although my ex was not the supportive type.
I do have a good network of friends and my son and daughter are around a lot so that's good.
Seems most places of work just want that pound of flesh and when you can't give it any more they want to get rid of you. My boss is treading carefully at the moment[ still on their books so to speak] they don't pay my wage any more I'm on ESA now waiting for my firm to pay me off, every one tells me not to hand in my notice and wait, so I've got nothing to lose really.
So lovely to have a motorhome and to be able travel around, great to have some me time, what ever it is that you enjoy.
Was very interested in your ginger tea, do you put ginger into conventional tea or make an infusion with just root ginger? Would like to try it. The turmeric root sounds interesting as well, can you buy it in supermarket or health shop only? I also have great belief that natural things are good for you, I've taken to chewing raw garlic[phew] sometimes and basil leaves seem to help when I have a sore throat.
Vampires will be kept at bay, except those after my blood at the mac unit.
Trying to find my best vein for them tomorrow, they seem to be shrinking back in protest.
Must go now, need to pop to tesco before they close at 4.
Take care. Speak soon.
Hi Sue
Hope all went well yesterday?
Yes I think I would wait and see what your employer does.
The ginger tea is basically add water to small saucepan, bring to boil, add grated ginger root (peeled first and as much as you like) then add squeeze of fresh lemon, then a tea bag. Remove tea bag once desired strength achieved. Then add teaspoon honey (to taste if desired). Pour into cup/mug...enjoy.
If you dont like the ginger 'bits' in the drink use a strainer when pouring but if you can drink/chew the root...better for you.
I dont think you can buy tumeric root from supermarket, or I haven't seen it. An indian lady I know bought it for me from an asian market. If you can get some its basically. ...peel root (it does stain so be careful of fingers, chopping boards etc) slice thinly and small pieces, put into container, cover with distilled white vinegar (sainsbury cheapest), tiniest pinch of salt....then eat as and when.....store in fridge. Its a wierd taste but I eat a small piece each time I go to fridge. If you unable to get root you can add powdered tumeric to tea, coffee (small amounts) also can make a warm milk drink, add small amount tumeric powder, to sml pan warmed milk then add bit sugar to taste, drink & enjoy. Can also do in microwave.
Hope I've explained it ok....its easier to do than write down lol x
I'm getting organised, or trying, for our trip to Spain on Sunday so if you need to ask anything will get back to you as soon as I can.
Take care
Hi Karen,
C.T. Scan went ok, glad that's over with now, won't know any results until I see my oncologist on 29th Oct. Hope It will be ok.
Thank you for your info for the ginger tea and turmeric root. The ginger tea sounds really nice as I love ginger, will make that one later on today. I will have a look to see if the health shop near me sells the root Turmeric, if not I do have Turmeric powder so will try that.
Hope you and hubby have a lovely holiday and are able to forget about lung cancer for the duration at lest.
I must admit I'm already thinking about Christmas, started to do a little shopping and even bought some Macmillan Christmas cards this year[ two packs for a £1] bargain.
Plan to make my Christmas cake this year, it's been a few years now since I made one, that will keep me busy for a while, need to get the magic ingredient Brandy before I start.
Take care Karen and stay well, my very best wishes to you
Sue x
Thank you Sue.
Keep my fingers crossed for a good result from your ct scan.
You are organised, I haven't thought about Christmas yet....I normally have all the family from noon until last one leaves onl boxing day. Will look at it when we get back. Planning a trip to New York, as soon as were back, with my daughter. Hubby hates shopping...more fun for me lol x
Where are you based?.
My indian lady friend (does my eyebrows. ...threading) got root from Birmingham. If I hear anywhere else I will let you know.
Take good care of yourself and I hope you like the warm tumeric milk....twist on Horlicks eh? Lol x
Speak soon
Hi Karen,
I live in Milton Keynes[great for shopping] although I'm not much of a shopper I like to just go get what I need and back home again.
I really like the ginger tea and have been drink quite a bit of it, hope I don't have a ginger overdose, lol. Will have a look for the Turmeric at the weekend.
My sister is hopefully come to me for Christmas and I am really looking forward to it, although It will be hectic, trying to get a head start this year, I usually leave it till last minute.
Have bought all the ingredients for making my Christmas cake, I think it's probably a lot cheaper to buy one, this is going to be the most expensive cake I've ever made but I will enjoy making it[ few nips of Brandy a long the way] lol.
Have a lovely holiday.
Take care
Sue x
Hi Sue
Glad you're enjoying the ginger tea...you will be able to 'tweek' it to your own taste.
Never been to Milton Keynes will tell my daughter theres a good shopping area next time she goes down there....she loves a bit of retail therapy lol x
I made a crimbo cake few yrs ago that was so easy ((not into baking, unlike my mum) it was a cup full of this/cup full of that...and all boiled in big saucepan, then baked. I did freeze one prior to icing....the best one ever
I love Christmas but not sure how I feel about it now....with this illness. ....guess its to enjoy it!
Will do my best to enjoy hol....still loading motorhome. ...hubby face a picture with how much lol x
Take care....enjoy making your crimbo cake......hic hic!
Hi Karen,
Hope you are well and have enjoyed your holiday. Hope you have had better weather than it has been here.
Made my Christmas cake, quite pleased with it and it smells delicious, lots of Brandy, will have to add a bit more in a few weeks. Lost count of how much it's cost and still have to buy the marzipan and decorate it. What the heck, going to try to make this Christmas a good one.
Still being plagued by chest infections, well I think it's an infection, going to see oncologist on Tuesday, should have the results of my ct scan, see what he has to say. I don't know about you but I find they don't really give you all the facts, just half the story.
Still haven't got the Turmeric root, I keep forgetting when I'm out, brain like a sieve lately.
Did you say that you live in Birmingham?
Speak soon
Sue x
Hi Sue
Sorry for delayed response been crazy few weeks.
Yes we had a lovely holiday...weather in mid-late 20's....got a bit of a sun tan lol x
As soon as we got back 19/11) had a few days home, then flew to New York with my daughter for few days. ...it was lovely having a bit of girly time together. We loved NY....its true when they say City that never sleeps. Mind you I slept when we got back lol. Now trying to get sorted for Christmas.
How dud ur ct scan go? I had my results Wednesday. ..shrunk tiny bit more....they say its stable, so good news.
Had my flu/pneumo jab yesterday. ...ok so far
Glad ur crimbo cake turned out well. Any joy with tumeric root?
Im still enjoying the ginger tea. I live in Kidderminster. Will leave it here. Hope ur ok
Take care
Karen x
Hi Karen, Lovely to hear from you and really pleased that you had a lovely holiday
OOPS clicked to soon, My ct scan was good as the cancer has really shrunk down and you can hardly see much now but not so good news is that there is a shadowy area on right lung that they are not sure what it is. Lung doc said he does not think it's Iressa because it would show on both lungs. He said I'm doing very well, my blood tests too are all good. I'm not worrying though, no point. Really looking forward to christmas this year, picking up my sister on the 23rd, then time to party.
Have not managed to find the turmeric root so I've given up on that but still enjoying your ginger tea recipe and eating lot's of garlic[No one seems to be avoiding me when I speak to them] so hope I don't reek to much.
I had my flu jab about 5 weeks ago and I am covered apparently for the pneumonia one as I had one about 6 years ago.
Eating lot's of fruit and veg and a glass of red daily.
Wishing you and your family a very merry christmas
Take care
Sue x