Have been a bit out of touch as I spent most of June in Europe
Inviting you to read my blog. - Lung Cancer Support
Inviting you to read my blog.

What a wonderful adventure. I'm so glad you had the opportunity to go on this jaunt.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
OH MY GOSH! I am just so happy you were able to do this - it looks like a dream. Bless your heart for sharing. Such happiness.
Den sorry about your. Name...mya ductwork( my dictionary is messed up. I,'ll put a word in and it comes back with my word. Well I really enjoyed your blog.the pictures were great. I,m so happy that your getting out and doing things,not like me I don,they out Wil

Denzie, I just loved this post.

Anita, I was so sorry I didn't get to see you in DC this past April but I think I made the right decision on where to use my mad money this year! Will you be in DC for Lung Cancer Alliance National Advocacy Day in September?
Lovely seemed like a wonderful bonding by all.
Denise I m so sad I,m happy you got to travel. I,'ll bet it was wonderful. I,m so happy for you. I think they Don,t want me on here. They took my pictures off and left my posts and said I was hidden. My daughter put some of the pictures back. When I write a post they take it off. Peggy won,t talk to me and that hurts. Do you know what happened I was in hospital for 11 days when I came back I wasn't,t here anymore. I miss you and some of the others. I Don,t know what to do. Love susiejo
Suziejo, I've no idea what is going on. I cannot find the messages you and I sent earlier but your last few threads you started are still there.
Sending hope you work it out and that you continue to improve. I know your hospitalization was a scary thing. I'm grateful for your daughters devotion and her care.