My c t scan of the brain came back with good news. NED. This is a relief. Now to deal with the continuing headache. Will be working with my doctor for relief.
Good news: My c t scan of the brain came... - Lung Cancer Support
Good news

Great news!
I just recently had good results for same test myself. Keep the good news coming.!!!!!!!!!!

So very happy to read about your results! Maybe time for a little happy dance. 💃💃💃💃
Great news
Praise God for that great news. On your headaches :: Do you wear glasses ? Do you have any allergies ? Reason I'm asking is My hubby wears glasses and he always gets bad headaches when he needs an up- date test on his vision or if his lens isn't right ( someone making a little mistake can damage the eyes) also he has to take over the counter medicine for allergies cause he gets really bad headaches when that certain time of the year comes along.
Just got home from the eye doctor. Good news there, too. Just some progressing cataracts which at my age are not unusual. Thank you for your reply.
Wonderful! Thank you for letting us know!
The BEST news ever!!!!
Praise God Lady !!! Like I said before your headache may be caused by allergies or you could have a sinus infection. My hubby gets bad headaches when his allergies act up and when he has a sinus infection. Praying you'll find the source soon.
The doctor thinks its a migraine that just wouldn't go away. He treated it as such and now it's much better. Thank you for your reply.
Woohoo! I love it when I hear results like this -- Stable and NED are now too of my favorite things -- I am also currently NED it's awesome -- I'm still very fatigued, (I also have Fibromyalgia) which I'm sure plays a huge part in this...but that's okay...I can handle the fatigue...!
Hope you find the answer to you headaches and are feeling much better soon!!
I too have fibromyalgia. It can be a pain in the anywhere. It's bearable, but sometimes the fatigue is difficult to deal with. My Dr. put me on gabapenin which helps with the pain and ibs. I just take it one day at a time.
Thank you for your input. I too love NED and stable.
I feel for you! -- I been in the Fibro battle for over 15 years now, the pain can be horrific at times, took me many years to figure it all out and then more time to find the best treaments. I'm so happy that you are doing well and happy that Gabapentin works well for you - No such luck for me, nor did I do well with Lyrica, Cymbalta or Savella. A few years back I went through an entire Summer of horrible migraine-like headaches -- after many consults and tests it was finally determined to be muscular and was from awful neck pain and muscle spasms -- also had a pinched nerve a few months before. I have some spurring in my C-Spine and Degenerative Disc Disease too --- I hit 40 and fell apart?? I ended up going to PT, had ultrasound, heat and massage and it finally resolved the headaches. Luckily I now have a Duragesic Patch (have for years) and it's been a life saver, keeps most of my FIbro pain well-controlled! Sorry you are also battling both illnesses, it's a challenge - but it's wonderful to be NED and like you, I've learned to live one day at a time! Some are definitely better than others! Take care and hope you stay NED forever!!!
~ Lisa
PS: i developed a Cataract in my left eye very suddenly last year and come to find out it was not age, but due to the steroids I had been taking when I was on chemo and for a brain met. I had surgery and now have wonderful vision in that eye. I have a slight one in my right eye, but it's not enough for surgery and I'm now off Steroids, so I hope it should be fine. I'm Stage IV NSCLC and started with a brain met (3/27/15)-- thankfully that was quickly treated by Cyberknife and has never returned. You take care!!

Hooray - very, very glad to read this good news, Jean! Sorry I didn't see it earlier, I've been offline all weekend.
Best hopes for a good headache solution soon!