February will be a year since my last treatment. My side effects of chemo & radiation brought me painful lung scarring and neuropathy on one leg. I have to get checked every 3 months. Tests & dr. consultations are considered follow-ups with no activity so far considering lung is Stage 111 & EFGR came out positive. I have stayed grounded but it has been rough too.
Side Effects Worse than Chemo & Radiation - Lung Cancer Support
Side Effects Worse than Chemo & Radiation

This is an important milestone! Glad you did not let it go unremarked. So you've passed the year since diagnosis too. It's especially heartening to know that you've gone a year without treatment or progression.
Six years out it's the side effects that slow me down as well. I've had 3 kyphoplasty to repair compression fractures in.my vertebrae and a 4th that didn't break enough to do surgery but healed the wrong way. There've been others as well but that and lung scarring are the worst!
If you have not been offered pulmonary rehab demand a new Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) to establish a new baseline. I'm confident you will qualify and you will find that helpful. Other things you might look into is the Livestrong at the YMCA if offered near you. Also a Cancer Support Community/Gilda's Club for exercise designed for patients like us. Exercise helped me improve and increase my breathing capacity and with that better delivery of O2 and more energy.
As your energy builds you will find more pleasure in doing things. It may not seem like it yet but you'll get there. And take comfort, please, in knowing that IF you experience progression there are more options for treatment than there were a year ago.
Expect CT follow up every 3 months for 3 years then every 6 months for two years then annual. I've had no treatment for my stage 4 in the six years since my original treatment.
It sounds like you're doing well. There are definitely after affects of the cancer treatments.
You are blessed that the cancer has stayed at bay. I pray your results are always good.
God bless you.
Thank you so much for telling your story, and congratulations! And never underestimate the power of staying grounded - pat yourself on the back!!!!

Congratulations on a one year anniversary of being treatment-free! I send all best hopes that you continue to be NED and that you regain your strength over time. Denzie gave some good advice.
Thanks to all those who contribute to this website. Truly grateful.