High Blood pressure readings with Primary Lymphedema. Have suffered for many years but have now found the reason . A young doctor solved the problem for me ( she will go far in her career.!) I suffered a very bad fall and any injuries were ignored as nobody in the ambulance , hospitals and various clinics could cope with a blood pressure reading so high that I should have been on my way out !130/260. Frightening. This young doctor felt that she had read some where about a theory that Primary Lymphedema could affect the automatic blood pressure readings rendering any of the wrist, arm, finger etc useless. Many different machines tried and all that had been used with success on other patients changing batteries etc.
So finally we tried an old fashioned manual reading and the pressure reading was perfect 👌🏻 I had to make sure by attending the clinic for four weeks running to make sure and without any treatment in between my blood pressure was perfectly normal and has been ever since.
So now I have just to wear a bracelet to tell anyone to use a manual blood pressure reader.
I still have Primary Lymphedema of legs and feet but at least no other health problems .
Such an easy result for a worryingly life threatening situation.