Had secondary lymphoedema of the right arm for 14 years after breast cancer treatment. Wear a compression sleeve(most of the time during the day), although do cheat occasionally). I also walk a lot, and go to the gym twice a week(bike, cross trainer, treadmill, sometimes rowing machine, although I go gently on the arm!). I am digressing here a little!...A couple of weeks ago I happened upon an article on the internet regarding the pluses of gentle rebounding for the lymphatic system, and specifically lymphoedema. Being me, who has to try EVERYTHING, I did a bit of research, and ordered a mini tramp(rebounder) from Amazon. It arrived two days ago, and I am working hard at not falling off! lol. Seriously, you can start by using it a couple of times per day for 10 minutes. All that's required(so they tell me) is to leave your feet in contact with the rebounder, and gently raise and lower your heels. Without me going into too much detail, you can "google" information about the rebounders. There's a mine of information out there, plus some good videos on YouTube. It's early days yet, but what the heck, I am having a laugh a minute trying not to fall over, so there's something good going on eh? You can of course buy rebounders with bar attachments so you can hold on and go wild. Just joking. Would love to know if anyone else has tried them, and what results, if any they have had. p.s. I'm 72 so you have no excuse! lol
Rebounding(Mini trampoline) exercise for the lymphatic... - LSN
Rebounding(Mini trampoline) exercise for the lymphatic system.

I am 82 and may want to get a rebounder. Saw the ones on amazon.com. Let us know how you like it as the days go by. I have an exercise bike where your feet go out straight and that is very helpful.
Hi Marilyn. A few more days have passed, and I still haven't fallen off yet! Getting used to balancing, and have "dug out" all my old sixties music, and dancing like a mad thing on the rebounder(making sure to tilt the blinds so the neighbours don't think I am loosing the plot altogether!) Have watched a few YouTube videos and read up a little more on the subject. I haven't found anything negative at all about rebounding, so I am looking forward to all the "promised" benefits, including losing weight! 👍🏻
Seriously. Please note anybody who might get carried away with my usual exuberance, I have arm lymphoedema, and do realise this may have varying levels of difficulty for those with legs affected. However, if you can "hop" on up there and use a bar attachment(or even a strong chair back), I'm sure you would at the very least benefit from the exercise perspective. Not forgetting the feel good factor of having a really good laugh at yourself 🤣
Hi, Imam really interested in this . I havevs4 ovarian cancer and about 6 months ago,lymphoedema made an appearance!!
I have recently seen the nurse and just got toe to thigh compression stockings and Velcro,wrap, arounds.So far so good , have asked for help,with exercise and physio has given me some ,I am moving as much as possible but quite limited and need the wheelchair when out. I am sure I can manage the rebounding and it looks fun.....can you tell me which one you have please. I am soipressed with you leaping around. - want to join you, I am 67.
Linda x

Hi Linda! Sorry to hear you are having problems with your lymphatic system. After having cancer, it seems unfair to say the least that anyone has to face added trials in their life. Same for me, unfortunately. However, you have to bash it on the head, and get on with life don't you! I am 72, (but don't tell a soul hahaha). I go to the gym, walk a lot, and use the rebounder. Of course can't say for sure it's doing anything yet, but there's plenty of information on the internet to suggest positive things! So go for it! I have the Ancheer rebounder 38 inch. Cost me about £36 on Amazon Uk, I chose it purely because it supports up to 200 lbs in weight, so is for adults as well as children. Sure similar ones are just as good, but I'd avoid really cheap ones because the reports are mostly disappointing. I have arm lymphoedema, and therefore you will of course have more difficulty with balance as it's in your legs. Therefore, might I suggest you buy one with a bar, or if not you can always "grab onto a chair back", it worked for me! Best wishes, and remember every bit of exercise is better than none. That's really, really true! Take care, me get bouncing! X
Rebounders are good for fitness but are best for opening the valves in the lymphatic system when you are in mid air at the top of a jump. Good for my lower limb lympho.
Your 60's revival sounds fab, go girl!
Great you discovered it! Rebounding has been known to stimulate the lymphatic system for decades, and it's easier on the joints than running etc.
Another excellent source for rebounders is Rebound UK. They have partnered with Mylymph.com and you can get 20% off - look for the code in the link below and enter it into the Rebound UK order page 😊
I am really impressed well done you. I am on here because my mum has got lymphodema after getting breast cancer in her lymph nodes for the second time (first time was 20 years ago). I am going to print off your post to for her to read and hope it will encourage her. Thank you for posting this and hope you keep healthy.
Hi Midibear. Glad to help! I wish your mum well, and tell her even if the jumping up and down like a lunatic doesn't appeal, I guarantee the laughing part of it will do her the world of good. Laughing basically sends magical healing properties around your body(well it certainly does for me!). Music works for me too. Running 10 miles around the roads does it for my husband(personally I think he's mad lol). Tell your mum to just love being alive, Lymphoedema and all. xx 💋