I have seen on some post's about lipodema adema and lymphadema what are they x
Difference : I have seen on some post's about lipodema... - LSN

Lymphoedema is often the result of cancer therapy or trauma, where an area of lymphatic vessels have been removed or damaged - swelling following this is known as secondary lymphoedema. There is also primary Lymphoedema, which can develop out of the blue, either due to genetics, or, insufficient lymph vessels. It is mainly evident in just one limb, but does occur bilaterally in some patients.
Lipoedema is most prevalent in the female population. It is swelling of adipose tissue in the body - mainly affecting the tissues of both lower limbs. It can also occur in the upper arms. It is usually very painful, and always affects both legs. Patients, for ever, have been told they are morbidly obese and should diet and lose weight. Diets, especially low fat high carb, are NOT effective and have no effect on Lipoedema. It is a very misunderstood, chronic, condition.
You could google both terms - both are spelt without the middle 'o' in some countries.
Thank you for that I had skin cancer on the sole of my foot years ago.But never had a problem after it was cut out.And I have swelling in both legs.I had a fall on holiday in Greece and they have both been swollen since and that was July I had two lots of water tablets and they didn't work
Lymphoedema does not seem to reduce with the use of diuretics. You could ask for a referral to a dermatologist to get checked out.
I have an appointment at the lymphoedema clinic on the 25th of this month x
Well I haven't got a clue how mine started.

How did you get your diagnosis Bev if you don't mind me asking? I've been struggling for years to get help with bi-lateral odema in both legs (left worse than right). My last surgery just would not engage with me at all on the issue saying that no-one in the Practice had training in Lymphodema and so could not refer me anywhere. I have moved and have new Doctor who muttered something about ??????Odema (didn't catch first word) and it was not in his view Lymphodema after just a cursory glance at my left leg. I despair!
Had prob for a while but doc tried me on a few different water tablets and when she saw them wernt working she sent me to lymphoedema clinic then i got diagnosed in aug x

Thanks Bev. Water tablets didn't work for me either but I never got referred! Seeing a different lady GP on 30th and will bring it up again. I am dreading summer as my feet/ankles and legs just balloon in the heat. Winter I have less problems but still very swollen feet and ankles. I live in hope!! x
You have to keep out of the sun and you will have compression stockings or socks by then as it's not even winter yet Brrrrrrr don't think so anyway sure does feel like it x

I haven't been out in the sun for years Bev, unless I have to go out for Dr or hospital appointments. I have other health issues as well and heat affects me quite badly. Yes it does feel cold before it should but hope the forecasts of a long cold winter aren't going to happen. x

why do you have to stay out of the sun it's the only time.I feel well.when I'm in Greece because of the lupus and rains disease
You have to be careful use 50-60 sun factor and still cover up and drink plenty of water and you have to be very careful you don't get insect bites x

I have used a ten factor for years.As I don't burn I just tan.Have been going for 24yrs and never had a bite as for water I hate the stuff don't drink it here either tastes like bleach lol I'm An odd ball xx
Just ask the nurse when you go about the sun she will tell you better just my nurse told me to keep out of the sun that's all x
Where is the clinic please
You will have to find the nearest clinic to where you live
Where do you live maggiebell? Have you been diagnosed with either condition?
I live in huntingdon,
Yes to the lumps on my knees and hips, i went private to get liposuction but i am on warfrin as i had an aorta valve replacement some years agoand the don,t want to operate due to bleading. X
Maggiebell - I have sent you a private message - click on the little bell icon at the top of the page to find it.
How long have you had it lynora you seem to be well up on things xx
I'm a Vodder MLD/lymphoedema therapist. Also, had breast cancer in 2001 - lumpectomy, total axillary clearance (even though none the nodes were affected), chemo and radiotherapy - I am therefore classed as 'at risk of secondary lymphoedema. So, I kind of have a foot in both camps!