Also, I once took a one month course of anti depressants and my asthma nearly vanished for the whole month.
I have noticed that when I have exams g... - Living with Asthma
I have noticed that when I have exams going on, I am having more asthma attacks. Is stress related to asthma?

Yes. Unfortunately stress can trigger asthma.
Stress will get my asthma going --- EVERYTIME!!
My asthma is the first thing that kicks in when I get stressed or upset, definitely connected

I don't have a shred of doubt that stress is a significant trigger for asthma. My wife even goes so far as to tell me off if I seem under stress & will say things like 'that will knock 10 points off your peak flow!'
I tend to be of the view that stress will exacerbate pretty much any health condition you have, so, much like cats or smoke (or whatever sets you off) is something to avoid if at all possible.
"Oh You Better Believe It!!!"
Stress/Anxiety is my "Trigger". I can expose myself to anything on the planet and I have no problems. Stress, Unnecessary Complications, Anxiety past a certain level and I'm a gonner. Even the stress of being at the Drs Office with the Pulse/O2 thingy on my finger and my welfare in the balance, my O2 levels will drop like a rock. Over the years I have learned to be able to make it say anything I want, when playin' around. But when it's for real, I get tense and that's it.
I've had Techs that "know" of "my kind" will try to distract me, keep from looking or tell me point blank not to look at it. If I do, a perfectly good reading drops enough that they are ready to call 911 and I get wheezy and short of breath. My new crew (Number 17) they put it on and we talk for a while and they, having turned the readout away from me will glance at it and that's my reading.
So since that is enough to drop my O2 level, although I don't get actual attacks, I do "lock up" where Asthma meds do nothing and when I relax all is well. So Xanax is my friend, Best Friend. I'm on Anxiety Meds to control that aspect and other than being drained from all the previous BS, it makes me pretty much "normal". Oh that and the Nucala. Finally diagnosed after 20 years and 17 sets of Pulmonary people. It only took two visits with the Dr. and a blood test and I have Eosinophilia that settled in my lungs. So people wonder why I'm all worked up. 20 years of BS!!! and Drs sucking my insurance dry . . . (Sorry for the rant but that's my trigger.)
Ashwagandha - Per my D.O. will help with the stress. Just starting it myself so I do not yet have personal knowledge of it working. We are moving the first week of June so stress? YEP! Loads of it! Hope it works for me and for you! This BTW in addition to the Magnesium and B12 I already take. Sigh..
Oh - and meditation/ yoga/ breathing exercises all help too.
I think stress is a trigger for me. I am pretty good at managing stress, my work can be very stressful. But when a major life change happens (like my father dying in March), I notice my asthma is much worse. In fact, I haven’t been able to get it under control since my father’s funeral. I haven’t missed any work though, and I haven’t contacted my GP or specialist. I am just taking it day by day. Your anxiety medication probably helped you to relax and worry less, and as a result, any medical problems you are experiencing will automatically get better. I find with some, it is sort of like what came first - the chicken or the egg (the anxiety or the asthma attack)? Hard to say. We are all different. A stressful event can affect every aspect of your health. The mind is a very powerful thing.