I have a 15 yr old son who has a lung condition plus asthma. We can’t seem to get his asthma under control at all. He reacts to weather change especially rain. He has tried Advair HFA, Flovent, and Qvar. He is currently on Advair diskus. Can anyone help make a suggestion that I could present to his Pulminary Dr. He is very active but is becoming depressed over the fact that his asthma keeps making him miss out on things.
Preventative medication: I have a 15 yr... - Living with Asthma
Preventative medication

I wish I could help I've had asthma my whole life, my childhood years I use to say were my worst asthma years. I was treated with prednisone when it was bad which was often. I had many scary asthma attacks growing up. The meds you mentioned use to control my asthma most of the time along with my inhalers, I'm now 59 and if theres a virus floating around I get it and it goes straight to my lungs. So now it's antibiotics and prednisone. And I have to use my nebulizer daily,I would like to mention I've had both hips replaced due to avascular necrosis which my doctor says was caused by taking prednisone for my asthma as a child as prednisone is bad for growing bones. I still take Prednisone often as that's all that helps me. I wish you luck because it sucks when you can't breath.
Have you tried albuterol? Ask about BREO as this is a combination of meds in a disk. It has worked wonders for me of late. No asthmatic episodes in over a year.
We use Albuterol. He was just placed on Dulera. So far no issues but the weather here is hot and dry. We will know when the rain and humidity returns. Thank you for helping me.
Have you tried albuterol? Ask about BREO as this is a combination of meds in a disk. It has worked wonders for me of late. No asthmatic episodes in over a year.
You know vharrison, its funny that as a kid. my doctors made the mention that "hot & dry weather" is great for asthma. Well we lived in a hot & humid environment in south Texas and I thought that that would help me with my asthma. Well my parents were not gong to move to a desert environment. Years & years later an allergist mentioned that "the only place I could live in without being affected by air-borne asthma triggers would be Antarctica". So much for that! I'm going to dig back in my medical history to try and find the meds that my pulmonary doctor 1st started me on and later took me off due to vast improvements with my asthma issues. I'll get back to you as soon as I find the information.
Foradil is the medication my pulmonary doctor started me on initial and weaned me off of it after 2 years or so. It made a real difference with my asthma as far as bringing it under control. My days are much better now, yet I still carry a rescue inhaler around just in case. Hope that this helps.
Question.... my son tells me that he has sharp lung pain when his asthma flares. Like it can be low and to the back and then move up higher....
have you ever heard of this??
Sometimes it’s a pain/tightness in a different area but seems to react to his treatments.