Hi everyone I'm new here just thought I'd say hello
Falling to pieces: Hi everyone I'm new... - Living with Anxiety
Falling to pieces

Hi BeeBee50 and welcome
I am quite new myself and have really found it a very supportive community with some lovely people
Thanks Ellie I appreciate your message 😊 my saying is 'unless you have or are suffering with it don't judge, educate yourself' my doctor once said if you had a broken leg people would flock to help but because it's not visible some people don't want to understand or just shy away from it. You don't need to hear 'pull yourself together'.... I've certainly found out who true friends are, unfortunately not many 😞 take care hun xx
Yes I couldn’t agree more. Some people won’t even try to understand it because they do not feel it themselves they don’t believe that it is real. I have always felt like that. I never judge anyone. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it’s not real. Often I find people that suffer with invisible illnesses are the most empathetic and compassionate of peopleI. I often get looks from colleagues about anxiety and I can see they think it’s just an excuse to get out of things.
True friends will always be there for you even if they do not understand. Having a smaller friend circle is ok as you then know that they are real and true friends.❤️
Hi Ellie hope you're ok xx So agree with you, I'm one who will gladly help others before myself. And very true about a smaller friend circle, I have 2 that are 100% there for me who understand my illness and me. One is my rock that will take me to doctors/hospital appointments as she fills in the gaps as I get brain fog 😕 my other rock can be on the phone for hours but also understands if I want to be left alone bless....❤
Hi BeeBee
Yes I am ok thank you. It’s been a stressful day but also a good day, I am glad to be relaxing now infront of the telly
Hope that you are ok
That’s great that you have two friends that support you so much. It really can help to have someone to talk to and help you through the difficult times.
My rock is my husband. He is there for me and listens to me and supports me. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than I have in him for which I feel very lucky
Also the lovely people on this site are a great support
Hope you have a nice evening xx
Hello BeeBee50 & Welcome
I have just read your reply to Ellie34 and your Doctor is spot on as this is an illness that cannot be seen but only felt by those suffering people do not give us as much help as they have no clue or cannot be even bothered sometimes to understand us but here you will find we all will understand as we have either been there or are suffering and I hope as we get to know you more and how your anxiety affects you we might be able to make you feel as if you are not so alone as you maybe feeling now
Take Care x

Thanks lulu-1 much appreciate your message. I have attempted suicide in the past as I think no one would miss me, who cares etc. I was checked over in A&E and sent back into the lions den once again with pills and leaflets I just wanted to scream help me 😢 And with all my health conditions added on to my anxiety/depression I have no life. Even my only son who I raised myself told me to pull myself together!! I'm so sick and tired of being sick & tired xx
Hello it sounds like you have been going through a really tough time and unfortunately never received the right care regretfully this sometimes happens but nether the less is no help to us when we are suffering
I would have simply said to the CPN , well you tell me you are supposed to be the expert ?
You could make a complaint about him/her if you felt strongly about it
Have you ever phoned the charity called " Mind " if you are in the uk they can tell you what there is available in your area as well as giving you advise , I always say anything is worth a try as we have nothing to loose my asking
I know the desperation you can feel where suicide seems the only way out when I was young I have a few attempts but for me it was more a cry for help and I know it is not the answer and I hope if you ever feel desperate again you will tell someone , phone the Samaritans , there are some help line numbers on a pinned post to the right hand side of the page they are always there
I am not sure what health problems you have but I know when we do have health issues it feels like it adds to what at times feels an impossible situation
It hurts when loved one's or friends make comments like pull yourself together etc but over the years I see they just have no idea and never will and I have asked myself had I not had anxiety would I have been the same if someone I knew had , maybe I would it is only because I have been and experienced so much that I understand others , so you now have some where that is full of people that know exactly how you feel so you can feel free to talk and not be judged or not be understood x

One CPN asked ME 'what do you think I could do to help'???? I got up and walked out, unbelievable xx
Hi BeeBee50 and welcome!