I'm 53, and after 2 athroscopis, my consultantisn't keen to do a hip replacement, as, he says would cause dislocation, but I've been given til Nov to decide whether to go ahead with it, has anyone on here had the same operation, and did it work?, any feedback would be appreciated, thanks.
Hip replacement with cerebral palsy - Living Positively...
Hip replacement with cerebral palsy
I'm 25 and had a hip replacement at 21. It has relieved the pain considerably . I'm not pain free due to the stresses on my body because of cp. my quality of life has improved drastically. Pain is more from muscle spasm now rather than bone pain. Surgeon was also worried I would dislocated but 4 years on and still going strong. My surgeon used a bigger ball and deepened the socket to try to prevent dislocation and so far so good. Hope this helps.
Hi there! I am a student journalist filming a TV documentary about Cerebral Palsy for my dissertation - Looking for multiple case studies about how funding is difficult and how people are coping. As this is in the 'living positively' page, It would be nice to see some case studies of real people getting through their difficulties and to speak out about their experiences to promote the cause and help other people get through it. If this is something you would be interested in helping me with feel free to get in touch with me.
Email: shannon-stevenson@hotmail.com
Hope all is well!
Best wishes,
I've just joined and although I'm slightly younger I've been down the hip replacement route. It is a big decision and everyone is different - so your outcome will depend on lots of things. If you are careful and the hip replacement is done properly for someone with CP, the risks of dislocation are small (but the statistics are than for hip replacements performed on non CP patients). Being older, you may find that there is increased pain from the CP (as there maybe increased tightening), but any osteoarthritis pain etc. will be reduced. Make sure you get good physio afterwards.