Back on the 25th of November, the BBC Panorama television series broadcasted a program entitled, “Binge Drinking and Me”.
“Alcohol-related deaths from liver disease among women under 40 have risen sharply over the last decade – but why? Thirty-two-year-old BBC journalist Hazel Martin goes on a personal journey to find the answer. She is one of a growing number of young women who have experienced alcohol-related liver damage, despite not regarding herself as being dependent on alcohol. Talking to doctors, patients and experts on the drinks industry, Hazel discovers that a key cause is Britain’s binge-drinking culture and explores what can be done about it.”
I felt that this program was too important not to miss for many people.
For those who missed it, and would still like to watch it, it can be viewed on BBC I-Player at: Because I felt that this episode was too important a message, I’ve also added a copy to YouTube: which maybe helpful to those people who are outside of the UK.