I’m sure I’m not the only one that has noticed that you don’t have as many bowel movements, unless it’s just me, is this because you are taking in more goodness so less waste,
Bowel movements low carb eating - Low-Carb High-Fat...
Bowel movements low carb eating

Yes, it's a definite 'thing' on low carb way of eating! I think it's less bulky fibrous carbs, so less bulky bowel movements... but I much prefer your way of looking at it "more goodness, less waste"! How are you finding it all generally?
I’m actually enjoying the feeling of not being hungry and not feeling bloated also no cravings! It’s all very new to me I think I’m day around 14. I’ve decided to only weigh myself every month as I know could get disheartened if weekly! I did have head pressure not exactly headache for two days I don’t know what that was, also I’m not so good at drinking water as I should be, how much water should I be drinking I’ve slowed down
Glad to hear you're feeling good with it! It's a bit of a revelation isn't it, when you first get going. I tried to explain to friends/family, but gave up after a while. Then they saw the results and decided to make some changes too.About the water.. I think when you first get underway it helps to drink plenty of water, and then later, when your body is better adjusted you can ease up on it. I would say you should still really keep your fluids up at this point but just be guided by how you're feeling. It will all start to feel more 'normal' soon!For me, some days I'll drink 2.5 - 3l of water, plus morning coffees, and other days it's less, it could be half that some days. I also make sure I'm getting plenty of salt in my food, otherwise I get leg cramps. I have low blood pressure generally.
Take a look to reassure yourself. Find it on youtube.
Dr. Paul Mason - 'From fibre to the microbiome: low carb gut health'

Apart from some intermittent constipation during my 'keto' phase, I can't say I noticed this. Things tend to settle down into a normal routine after a few weeks!
Absolutely ! My theory was less going in so less to come out, I've gone from eating five times a day to two or three times a day x
Yes that’s right, how are u doing on it, have you been eating like this for a while, I’ve come to a standstill but I think I know why I hurt my leg three days ago so haven’t been walking, also my water intake has come down, but today my leg has improved after resting it, so back to walking tomorrow and hopefully more water
This is low carb, high fat.
Your diet is working for you but it isn't high fat or low carb.
Yeah, it's a thing.
It's very common. It troubled me for many months. It resolved itself at least 6 months ago. It's not about what you eat, or fibre or anything else. It's about electrolytes and your body adapting. I am guessing it's the microbiome adapting, but maybe it takes months for your liver to increase bile production.
It was bad enough, that still every time I poop successfully, I feel proud. But I poop successfully 1 or more times a day, so that makes me weird.
I can eat what I like, and I am no longer supplementing with magnesium, but I still add lite/lo-salt to my coffee, so my sodium and potassium are high, which may also be a factor.
But now I can have a high fibre day, a high carb day (pizza or 2 hot cross buns), a zero carb day (accidental carnivore), or a fasting day. All types of days, I poop!
So persevere. If you find your colon contents don't bother you, you can probably weather it. Otherwise I suggest either polyols (eg sorbitol) or magnesium to clear it out when you can safely stay near a toilet. If you don't do this, you may find something triggers a release from your colon rather urgently. Don't stray too far from conveniences until your digestive system adapts.
FWIW, in the 80s I read Atkins original book from the library. I was not impressed. It was extremely low carb, so even green leafs were banned. He said you had to get used to pooping once or twice a week. I returned the book, and went on my way.
So envious of your pooping! Nothing seems to work. I go from weekend to weekend or longer without a movement and wonder how long it would be without an assist from dulcolax!
>> It was extremely low carb, so even green leafs were banned
Are you sure about this? I seem to recall he issued dire warnings about carrots, sweetcorn, and things like that (which, it turns out, are not a problem in modest amounts) but I'm 99% certain the induction phase was based largely on green leaves.
Perhaps he did a few different editions of the diet?
Oh thanks for that
I am trying to offer useful advice and hope to someone who is suffering. I think it my duty to give all pertinent information.
I eat one pizza and 4 buns a year (and 1/4 of a slice of cake). My diet is still low carb, and I acknowledge that was high carb food.
I am not telling everyone; you are.
Just a data point for the always advice to add fibre. I ate my occasional breakfast of 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and one of linseed/flaxseed mixed with berries and soaked in yoghurt, and the next day those seeds had formed a plug (sorry, TMI). It's just worth remembering that bulk isn't necessarily a good thing.