Very interesting read on Saturated Fat! The committee finally recommends Saturated fat directly from natural food such as Dairy, Egg, meat. PUFA based food to be avoided to reduce CV risk....
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Very interesting read on Saturated Fat! The committee finally recommends Saturated fat directly from natural food such as Dairy, Egg, meat. PUFA based food to be avoided to reduce CV risk....
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An excellent tirade by Zoe Harcombe there. Great stuff, although I doubt any policymakers will read it or understand it.
Where's the bit about eggs etc? It looks to me as if Harcombe's complaint is that they've STILL thrown out the baby with the bathwater.
What makes me laugh about these reports is that they make a half-hearted attempt to incorporate the latest facts while retaining their dogma. The only possible outcome is that the recommendations become more and more illogical and inconsistent. Example:
“No further increase [in n-6 polyunsaturates] is recommended because the safety of high levels has not been demonstrated. The proportion of the population already consuming more than 10% of dietary energy as n-6 polyunsaturates should not increase.”
So how does that sit with their recommendation that we should be dumping saturated fats and replacing them with vegetable oils? As far as I can tell, they're suggesting that the task before us is to make 1+1=4.
You have very nicely Put it ! 😀
Anyway, I feel this is very simple to understand SFA vs PUFA.
One can always do experiment like I did, though It took me 9 months to understand the SFA Vs PUFA vs MUFA.
My experimental eatable SFA were butter, cheese, home made full fat Greek Yoghurt for 3 months and then checked for lipid profile. Then replace 50% SFA with PUFA from flax seed and Sunflower seed, veg oil for another 3 months and check for lipid last Replace your PUFA with MUFA from almonds and olive oil..
The result is seeing is believing- I think I had posted once...
That apart , people need to understand that our body fat is mainly Palmitic Acid- SFA (C16) with no double bond and Oleic Acid- MUFA (C18) with only one single double bond between carbon atoms. Both fats account for 90% of total body fat. What does it indicate ? Will write later!
N6 polyunsatyrates are actually with C18 , but with 3 double bonds. But once we eat them, it gets converted and elongated in to Arachidonic Acid- C20 and 4 double bonds. Arachidonic Acid is an unstable inflammatory compound and could lead to a number of disorders.
Our body would simply love to have compact short chain single bond fatty acids or at best it can have fatty acids with only one double bond which is also very stable.
It just hates to have long chain carbon fatty acids with too many double bonds. If you eat too many polyunsaturates, it will reject and the rejection will show off in form of inflammation and metabolic disorder !