As you can see from my previous posts I'm not overweight, but started keto plan on 17th February, I have high cortisol and noticed my body shape changing around my waist and just wanted to be healthier.
Anyway, I hid my weighing scale and just went by my clothes and body shape. I haven't lost loads of weight, but, my clothes are fitting better and my body shape is better.
For the past week, I've been in a foul mood, and I feel sorry for anyone that has crossed my path. I think this maybe to do with my thyroid levels, and, I have been craving chocolate, maybe it is due to the fact it was Easter, but when I first started keto I didn't really have those cravings.
Anyway to curb this, I decided to try some keto baking and did some raspberry sponge cakes. Well after trying 3 of them (yes 3) I decided they were awful, too eggy and decided to throw them away before I scuffed them all.
I then decided to have a bit of dark chocolate, that was a mistake and had 50g of the chocolate, then last night at 10.30pm I decided to have a bag of pork scratchings, not happy with that had two flapjack bars at 19g of carbs each. I know that it is important not to eat late at night and I don't normally, I have my dinner then that's it.
After polishing off the flapjacks, my tummy was rumbling all night and I felt gutted that I had this craving and gave in.
I wasn't hungry either. I would of taken my son's Easter eggs and chocolate bars as well but, stopped myself.
This is normal to feel this way?
Best Wishes