On the back of TheAwfulToad's post re Dwight Lundell, consider this:
If you've had a heart attack and take statins for 5 years as a consequence, trusting you are doing the right thing, your extended lifespan would be considerable and worth putting up with the side effects up to and including rhabdomyolysis wouldn't it? (If you believe the literature).
Well, according to Dr. Malcolm Kendrick you would live an extra 5 days.
Taking statins prophylactically and not had a heart attack? Extra lifespan 3 days.
(All statistics referenced by Dr. Kendrick).
Do you prefer Professor Rory Collins' and his take? Look up how much he is in the pocket of big pharma and the 'research' grants he's enjoyed. You might like to see what that research, costing millions, has turned up to make him promote his fierce stance on expanding statin usage. So would a lot of people, but to date, he hasn't released one scintilla of evidence.
As always, follow the dollar as your first line of enquiry.