Lchf support: This is the healthiest... - Low-Carb High-Fat...

Low-Carb High-Fat (LCHF)

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Lchf support

NSNG-am profile image
15 Replies

This is the healthiest diet. Why is no one posting in this thread. Do all the followers already have all the answers and are keeping them to themselves? Please share your secrets to success with one post a week.

Thank you,


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NSNG-am profile image
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15 Replies
TheAwfulToad profile image

Yes, it's sad that nobody's posting here, isn't it? I was intending to write a few articles to jumpstart some activity here, and simply never got around to it. I'm on holiday now for a couple of weeks, so maybe I'll give it a go.

To answer your question, I think there are several reasons why people don't make more noise about the LCHF diet. The main problem I've noticed is the irrational and violent backlash you often encounter if you even mention it. The vast majority get their understanding of LCHF (or lack thereof) from the media. They think it involves nothing but bacon and steaks, and perhaps with some justification they think this is ridiculous. Which it would be. If it had any bearing on reality. The wider problem is that the low-fat, high-carbohydrate mantra has become so deeply embedded in our cultural consciousness that it's been accepted as solid fact, and anything that contradicts it is a 'fad'.

Anyway, expect some followup posts in the coming week ... although I'm not sure if anyone will be reading them.

It could be that people are just busy. I often wonder how HE gets so "busy" but it does have committed organisers (admins etc) Jerry, Zest and so on, who are vibrant and happy personalities to keep it going. These pleasant people continue to post the photos of what they made and did, much like bloggers to keep interest going. On this site, when people post a thread, people may be reading in the background but they ignore except few if nobody had posted a new thread. I think, generally speaking, new people would post on a Hub where there's a pleasant, friendly atmosphere as in HE. HE succeeded it because of positive core leaders, Zest, Jerry and such. And that's a very selfless act even though they may "enjoy" what they are doing. They are nice hosts, who welcome new posters and are generally very friendly, selfless/unselfish individuals. On this hub, it is quite a contrast. On here, it's just dead because they haven't got that elusive community ethos or are just busy leading their life. The vegan hub is also very quiet to my mind, but there are posters again, Jerry and other nice posters, who keep it going. Of course, TAT does a great deal on HE, but HE is intended for far more general interest in eating healthy.

Another thing is, maybe "HF" might be putting some people off even people aren't going over the daily limit of Fs intake. There are sub-classes of LCHF, too. Yours may be different from others. Real "Keto" is probably quite different from what others are eating, thinking it is keto, yes, but it is your own version of keto.

G1nny profile image

I eat a lot of spinach, salads and creamed spinach. I cook everything in olive oil. Living in Texas, there is a Mexican restaurant on every corner. One by me makes a fresh guacamole when you order it ( avacado, tomatoes, onions and cilantro). It’s only $2 and I eat it with a spoon no chips. I also slice zucchini thin toss in olive oil and garlic powder then put in slow over for a couple of hours to get crispy, delicious alone or dip in creamy dressing wo sugar.

Freesia3 profile image

Love this way of eating, don’t think of it as dieting! No calorie counting, no measuring, no hunger, what else could you possibly ask for? Cutting out carbs such as anything sugary was hard to start with but after a couple of weeks no more cravings. And as for the HF bit I make sure I use healthy oils such as olive and rapeseed (organic when I can get it) and switching from low-fat chemical-laden margarine to full fat butter was pure pleasure. Cheese and eggs are a great standby. I can recommend this to anybody but don’t think there is enough info about it on this website. Googling certainly helps a lot. I’ve lost 1 1/2 stone in 2 months with no problems at all.

Freesia3 profile image

I’m no scientist but have done a lot of research online and this is just one of the many articles comparing olive oil and rapeseed oil. I know not to believe everything you read online but there are an awful lot of websites coming to the same conclusion. I’m not saying this is definitely true but it may be worth considering.

This is just one example:

Olive oil or rapeseed oil?

Olive oil

The oil of choice in the Med is made from pressing whole olives from the native olive tree – different grades include blended, virgin and extra-virgin.

The nutritional lowdown

Olive oil contains more monounsaturated fat than any other oil – the type that helps to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. That’s why it’s often touted as one of the healthiest oils. Extra-virgin olive oil contains polyphenols, too, which act as antioxidants in the body. Different oils are best suited to different uses. For example, extra-virgin is perfect for dressings but less ideal for cooking as it has a low smoke point (the temperature at which the oil starts to smoke and break down, losing its quality, flavour and health benefits).

Rapeseed oil

Bright yellow rapeseed crops are now widely grown in UK fields. The oil is extracted from the seeds of the rapeseed plant to produce a golden oil.

The nutritional lowdown

Rapeseed oil contains the least saturated fat of all oils.

It has less monounsaturated fat than olive oil, but a bigger proportion of polyunsaturated fat, which helps to lower LDL cholesterol.

Plus, rapeseed oil contains considerably more vitamin E than olive oil – a tablespoon provides a fifth of our daily need for this powerful antioxidant. It’s also a good choice for cooking as its high smoke point allows it to retain its nutrition credentials.

The verdict

Rapeseed oil. It’s lower in saturated fat, higher in vitamin E and has a higher smoke point, making it the better choice for cooking. However, it doesn’t have the polyphenols that extra-virgin olive oil contains. Opt for rapeseed oil for cooking and olive oil for drizzling.

Freesia3 profile image

Okay, like I said, I’m no scientist so take advice where I can get it. I agree that obviously companies want to sell their rapeseed oil but the websites I usually look at are genuine independent medical sites. This is from the NHS website:

“Monounsaturated fats help protect our hearts by maintaining levels of good HDL cholesterol while reducing levels of bad LDL cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats are found in:

olive oil, rapeseed oil, avocados, some nuts, such as almonds, brazils and peanuts.”

I must admit I am new to the high saturated fat advice and, because of all the years of having drummed into you that saturated fat is bad, still slightly reluctant to totally ignore it and, for example, use lard, hence still cooking with these oils.

But thanks for the advice!

Freesia3 profile image

Thanks! Any input is always appreciated 😊

NSNG-am profile image

I stay away from pufa oils. I use EVOO and coconut oils. I should utilize butter more than I do. It's a process to change how we eat. Enjoy your journey.

Freesia3 profile image

I’ve been on LCHF for several months now, love it and have lost weight. BUT did you see the item on BBC news the other day about life expectancy on different diets? Apparently research has shown that people on low carb diets have the lowest life expectancy, an average of 79 versus well over 80 for others! Should we be worried? I am posing this question to some other LCHF afficianados as well. Input will be much appreciated!

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirl in reply to Freesia3

I read the report, just the summary of it that the BBC put out, and even to a relatively untrained eye it had more holes in it than a Jarlsberg cheese. Relying on asking people what they ate? At two points in time? Then extrapolating from that years later?

What did you think?

Very bad of the BBC to give it a headline that their own report didn't even support, but we've come to expect it from sources that should do better

Freesia3 profile image
Freesia3 in reply to BridgeGirl

You’re right of course, I only saw the final bit and wondered how they came to that conclusion. Just wanted to know what others thought. Thanks, I’ll stay as I am 😊

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirl in reply to Freesia3

I can't analyse anything like some here can but I thought the headline was unforgivable

Freesia3 profile image
Freesia3 in reply to BridgeGirl

It was, certainly for people who don’t know anything about the subject at all and may not have access to any other information (such as this forum).

Freesia3 profile image

Thanks for that, it confirms what I suspected so I’ll keep going the way I have been, happily, for the last few months.

NSNG-am profile image

Looking forward to the Fat documentary that is in filming now and scheduled for release in 2/19.

Based on the luminaries/contributors, it should be an eye opener.

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