Hi there I’ve recently been diagnosed with kidney cancer. I’ve had surgery and have started chemotherapy in an attempt to shrink/eliminate lung mets - i just wanted to know how you have gone about living your life whilst on chemotherapy? Are you still working, going out in public, shopping, seeing friends etc? My obvious concern is picking up any nasty bugs/infections whilst being out.
Lifestyle whilst on chemo: Hi there I... - Kidney Cancer Sup...
Lifestyle whilst on chemo

I went about my day without a problem. I carried a hand sanitizer with me but otherwise, acted normal. I was on Sutent for three years and at first, was too sick to really go out. As I adapted to the side effects and they started lowering the doses, I ventured out a little more. I never had an issue with getting sick from others. Everyone is different, you have to adjust to your new normal. If it doesn't work, adapt to what does. Going out every now and than helps you feel more connected to your old life before cancer.
Durning my MVAC chemo I was always very careful when in public.that was in 2013 I never did catch any bugs being passed around. But I was so sick durning it I did not want to much anyways
Hi Fighting, Just want to let you know that there is also a very active kidney cancer site on Smart Patients. Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with kidney cancer. There are many treatments now for kidney cancer. Best wishes.
I may have gone thru different chemo than you are but I was 64 and did not have to work. I went out but if I went somewhere like Wal-Mart or the grocery store I wore a mask and wiped down the cart with sanitizer. I carried the Clorox wipes in my car so I did not have to rely on the store since they were often out. I did not get my flu shot before chemo so I was especially cautious. I also was very tired except for the day after when the steroids gave me that false energy. I also avoided crowds and did not attend church although I did attend small group Bible study where everyone knew what was going on and did not attend if they were sick. I am sure you will do fine. Some people suggested not going out but I could not do that.
Traditional Chemotherapy has no effect on kidney cancer...
Yup I was under this assumption until I found out I have a type of KC called Renal Medullary Carcinoma (RMC) which up until now has shown no real signs of responding to the current line of kidney cancer treatments (immunotherapy etc) however there seems to be some, not much but some response to a couple traditional chemo’s. I’m part of a Facebook group, with some ppl in remission others currently on treatment with RMC all who started on trad chemo.
My kidneys were removed and I’m not on chemo. But with comprised immune systems we should just be careful
Hello! I live in Argentina. What treatment are you getting?
During my first treatment with Sunitinib, I went on vacation 5 days more than 800 kilometers from my house and climbed some mountain, then I went a few days to see the whales more than 1,400 kilometers, then I was 40 days in Europe and later I went to spend a few days in Uruguay. I took a photography course and of course I always worked. Then with the treatment of Nivolumab I also traveled a week about 2,000 km from my house and reached 4300 meters high on a mountain. I returned to travel to Europe 32 days, I was no longer with the immunotherapy treatment but under its effects (Tiredness and sleep). Recently I received radiotherapy in the left psoas muscle and I went more than 2,000 km in my country and was 3,400 meters high.
I keep working and planning more trips to Europe and my country.
Now I am waiting to start a new treatment with Votrient. With my oncologist we have a huge struggle with my trips, she tells me "wait" and I say "no, flight offers are escaped"
You can live with the treatment and plan, it is true that life is not the same, everything has a greater effort. The feet hurt, sometimes there is dizziness, vomiting, a little taste is lost in the mouth, the mouth burns, headache, chest pain but nothing and nobody is going to take away the desire to continue doing what I most like, travel and photograph! Have a lot of strength and blessings! (My English is not good)