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Rife Ultrasonic therapy cured my platelet crashes by killing the organisim that I caught when I traveled abroad that caused my ITP

CDmom profile image
9 Replies

I want to say to the researchers that I was cured from a 7 month serious platlet crashing and every 2 weeks IVIG injection ITP ride within one month after a Sept 2017 Rife treatment and 2 weeks of Parasite medication. Rife is ultrasonic waves (like an opera singer breakes a glass with voice) that target the cell membrane walls of the parasites, virus, fungus or whatever it was that I caught on my trip to Costa Rica in March 2017 that caused my body to attact its platelets. I hope to help others that could have this type of ITP caused by a foreign organism. Please feel free to contact me for more detail. Good luck to all!!!

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CDmom profile image
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9 Replies
clear67 profile image

Great news! How were you diagnosed with the parasite? What type of doctor does the Rife Ultrasonic treatment?

exxxon profile image

interesting I have been in the philipiness for 2 years then contacted I T P so how and where were you diagnosed ????????? jimmy ………... and what is ultra sonic ??

CDmom profile image
CDmom in reply to exxxon

Hi Exxxon,

I live in Colorado in the USA. I went to many well-known infectious disease and Gastrointestinal doctors as well as a big clinic in Minnesota and no one could find any viruses, funguses, parasites, or organisms of any sort in my body. They tried blood tests and stool samples. Everyone just confirmed what the previous doctor had said, that I have ITP.

In in September 2017, a good friend of mine had told me about Rife treatment and I initially ignored her. But being my guardian angel that she is, she insisted that I get the rife treatment. I had never heard of it and was very skeptical, I had pretty much given up all hope that I could ever get better. The doctors had me convinced at this point that I had ITP for life.

But after needing IVI G, every two weeks From April 2017 until October 2017 to just keep me alive since my platelets were going down as low as 1,000, I was cured within a month of getting the Rife treatment. I never needed IVIG again! My last IV I G treatment was October 2017.

I did take prednisone and promacta until about April 2018 until I had weaned off all of my prednisone and Promacta. I had a homeopathic who used an Avatar machine help me with that weaning. I wanted to wean the medications slowly as to not shock my body too much. There is much more detail that goes along with all of that but I will spare you with that detail unless you want more information on my Promacta and Prednisone weaning process.

Please reach out to me if you have any other questions.

I hope you have the same good fortune that I had. Please keep me posted.

Thanks and Best,


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SurferDude profile image

Do you know how to find a local Ride provider? Is the a authorization or something to look for? Thanks for your post.

CDmom profile image
CDmom in reply to SurferDude

Hi Surfer Dude,

I just found my person on the Internet. No special certification, just that she had a Rife Machine. I had a girlfriend (thankfully!) who insisted I do the ultrasound Rife.

The treatment cost about $50 each time and each treatment lasted about one hour and I just sat still while the Rife ultrasonic treatment machine was on. There were two metal 6 inch long and about 1/2 inch wide round metal rods that were attached in the machine that she had directed towards my body. I felt nothing and heard nothing.

She told me she used the ultrasonic wave length to kill multiple types of organisms cell walls. These included but we’re not limited to viruses, fungus, bacteria and parasites.

She told me to buy some type of pill at the vitamin store that would attack any parasites so I did that as well.

I am so thankful that after that April 2017 until October 2017 every two week need for life-saving medicines due to my platelet crashes as low as 1000 that I have not needed IV I G. I did do about a four month wean from Promacta and the Prednisone that I was on.

It is really hard to believe that the doctors told me, "too bad, so sad and get used to it. you'll have ITP for the rest of your life.

I know that this treatment won’t help everyone but I do hope that it helps many as well as you!

Feel free to contact me with any questions. Please let me know if you do it and it works for you.


RobertSp profile image

Interesting! Please provide details. starting with what country you live in where the treatment is available.

CDmom profile image

I just found my person on the Internet. No special certification, just that she had a Rife Machine. I had a girlfriend (thankfully!) who insisted I do the ultrasound Rife.


I live in Colorado in the USA. I found her on the internet under Rife Ultrasonic Therapy.

The treatment cost about $50 each time and each treatment lasted about one hour and I just sat still while the Rife ultrasonic treatment machine was on. There were two metal 6 inch long and about 1/2 inch wide round metal rods that were attached in the machine that she had directed towards my body. I felt nothing and heard nothing.

She told me she used the ultrasonic wave length to kill multiple types of organisms cell walls. These included but we’re not limited to viruses, fungus, bacteria and parasites.

She told me to buy some type of pill at the vitamin store that would attack any parasites so I did that as well.

I am so thankful that after that April 2017 until October 2017 every two week need for life-saving medicines due to my platelet crashes as low as 1000 that I have not needed IV I G. I did do about a four month wean from Promacta and the Prednisone that I was on.

It is really hard to believe that the doctors told me, "Too bad, so sad and get used to it. You'll have ITP for the rest of your life.

I know that this treatment won’t help everyone but I do hope that it helps many as well as you!

Feel free to contact me with any questions. Please let me know if you do it and it works for you.


exxxon profile image

CDmom .. past couple years I have been back and forth to the Philippines … here now and come back in feb. ( business ) last jan. when I came back to the states my platelets dipped to 14 thousand and I was diagnosed with I T P .. so just wondering if it was caused by a parasite or if I have parasites in my body ?? what test is that ?? but I have no symptoms .. did you have other symptoms other than a low count ?? who diagnosed you ?? I will check it out .. tell me more .. jimmy .. Miami beach florida

CDmom profile image

Hi Jimmy,

I was in Costa Rica at the end of March 2017. It was the best trip of my life until I came back and just for a couple weeks I felt sick night sweats and very lethargic and little bumps on my stomach too. But then I felt fine.

I was diagnosed with ITP after I finally went to the doctor in May because I had bruises all over my body. They found that my platelets were 7000.

But basically by early May 2017 I was totally symptomless except that my platelets were crashing every two weeks and I needed IV I G, prednisone, dexamethasone and Promacta to keep my platelets in a normal range.

I never really felt any more symptoms except night sweats.

I went to many doctors and none of the western doctors Who took blood and stool samples. but none could find any problems even a well-known clinic in Minnesota.

So all of the doctors said to me you just have ITP.

Even though I told the doctors I thought it was related to a Costa Rica caught issue time and time again.

No one could find a problem in either my stool or my blood.

It was my wonderful girlfriend that told me to go get Rife treatment when I had pretty much given up on ever having a life without ITP.

The Rife lady I guess you could say diagnosed me if you wanted to. But what she really did was do an ultrasonic treatment for what I told her I thought I might have caught from Costa Rica.

So she had a ultrasonic wavelength for viruses, bacteria, parasites, other organisms, etc. she gave me treatments on that wavelength and within a month I never needed IV I G again.

Hopefully this answers your questions.

I live in Colorado but you can find a Rife therapist in your area by checking the Internet.

Sending you good healing thoughts!

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