The rompilostim I have been given has affected my liver and the hospital I am with are considering using eclrombopag - but I understand that can be bad for the liver too. Does anyone have any experience of this drug?
Has anyone been given eltrombopag? - ITP Support Assoc...
Has anyone been given eltrombopag?

Eltrombopag is not generally available in England although it is in Scotland. But that is maybe why you haven't had any reply. Nplate isn't supposed to affect the liver so that's unusual. Good luck if you use Eltombopag.
I am still on Romiplostim. I saw my consultant this morning and am seeing him once a week. Last week my count was 119 and this week it is 950, so we are not anywhere near stability. Last week he put me back on 5mcg/k which has caused my count to go up. It is a case of try it and see what happens.
I was given Revolade (eltrombopag) as a bridging treatment a couple of months before splenectomy. There were no side effects in my case except that my platelet count dropped to 18k before rising spontaneously to 195k after surgery.
How do you measure the dosage of Revolade? I am on Romiplostim at the moment and it is based on microgrammes per kilo. I was last given it two weeks ago and my count has gone from 119 to 1400!
hi have just been in hospital for 1 week having viral infection my count went from 13 to 47 while on antibiotic drip then crashed to 1 after finishing course orally i have now started revolade tonight so hoping this works
Hi Salmagal
Sorry to hear you have been in hospital. Good luck with the revolade. Let me know your count.
Hi yes I was on it for a couple of months but only raised my platlets to 78 then they fell back to 3. Had vey bad headaches and pain in abdomen.
So now you are off it what treatment are you being given? What is your count now?