What is everyone's itp i would like to know the difference between mid and severe thanks
Itp: What is everyone's itp i would... - ITP Support Assoc...
I was diagnosed with chronic ITP when I was 7, on a good day my blood count is 40, it has recently dropped to high teens and I can define notice a difference in how my body is feeling. This being the lowest it's ever been recorded. I've always been able to estimate what my blood count will be, my mum and I would have a game when I was having a blood test and whoever was the closest to the actual number one (which in fact was always me as I was normally 1 or 2 off). I get severe back and leg pain, terrible bruising even from just a poke, pin prick rashes everywhere etc. I have a bone marrow biopsy every year, and 4 months ago I had a bone marrow transplant from my sister as I was also diagnosed with myeloidisplacia, among all this I am a fairly normal 15 year old who has big ambitions in life. My conditions do not hold me back whatsoever, I play county netball and I am a regional sprinter and high jumper, I've also got GCSE grades of all A*s so it doesn't hold me back at all.
Hello Esmevlea,
Good to read your positive post. Hope you are doing your A Levels and planning to go to university. keep it up and Good Luck.
I feel like Addison is more mild. She has really bad fatigue and behavior changes when she drops under 40. She was diagnosed at 3 and is now 9. She is not a bleeder which I would consider the more severe type. She has treatments multiple times a year with side effects but all that considered it could always be worse. Severe in a non bleeder would be those that hang in teens to single didget even with treatment.
My doctor seems pleased if my platelet count stays above 50.