I was a smoker... stopped on 6 July this year... just wondering if this could be causing my platelet count to drop?
Cigarettes and ITP: I was a smoker... - ITP Support Assoc...
Cigarettes and ITP

Congrats on quitting, it is no easy task. I am a smoker and my platelets were good up until about 8 years ago. I had quit 17 years ago, and within 8 weeks of quitting I became very ill. I figured it was the withdrawal from nicotine, very lethargic, no appetite, hurt all over. I walked a mile a day faithfully and could barely muster the energy. Finally went to the doctor and I was diagnosed with lupus. I said to the doctor, I quit smoking to become healthier and now I have lupus. He said it is common that when long-term smokers quit, a chronic illness setting in is not surprising. He also said he did not condone smoking, but he answered my question, it was not all in my head. It is hard to say what effect, if any, smoking or not has on platelets; but it is understandable to try and backtrack to see what was different before the ITP.
My platelets have been all over the place... and that is the only thing that has changed.
Does your immune system fight the toxins caused by smoking... now those toxins are no longer there... my immune system can now focus on platele bashing...
It's clutching at straws... but it would be interesting to hear of others experience.
Well, you don't have lupus right? The ITP is not connected to any other autoimmune disease? In your case, maybe that is the role of the platelets, they have no toxins to fight with, so they are haranguing your platelets. Maybe your immune system is trying to adjust to the lack of toxins.
In my case..I know the ITP is from the lupus. People with lupus have their immune system in overdrive. So it works overtime..attacking everything; that is why organ damage is so common in lupus. I am on immunosuppressive therapy to tamp down the overdrive, so I really think my system is just used to me being a smoker. That is NOT a good thing at all, I quit twice during pregnancy and then 17 years ago for a year, but I am actually leery of quitting for fear my immune system will be out of control again.
There is a fine line with immunosuppressive therapy. It needs to be tamped down, but if it is too much, you become susceptible to every little germ.
I would say since you stopped smoking recently, give it a good 6 months at least to see if your system levels out. Try to eat as healthy as you can. Whenever you can try to eat fresh organic vegetables and fruits. Although there is no special diet for low platelets, but healthy is always helpful.
In my experience, my platelets have been better in winter months as I tend to sleep in later. I think sleep has a lot to do with it. In the summer I am up early and at the moment I have some very nasty bruises on my legs. But other than that, no other symptoms. What has been the lowest platelet count you have had? Keep me posted, b/c it is very interesting that this all started when you quit smoking. But, give your body some time to adjust and see what happens.
Pollyangel - I have the exact issue as you have. I quit smoking wayback Oct 2015 and a month after, I got this ITP. I was hospitalized for two months (as my platelet went down into 1500 only). My regular maintenance for the last six months is Revolade - 75mg - but my platelet is still very low (less than 50K). I have been into rituximab before - for six sessions - to no avail. Right now, it is very hard for me as I develop bruises from slight taps or bumps. And my legs has been in pain. Per doctor - ITP means idiopathy - unknown cause. Hoping all will be in fine. Alex_MC
Hi Alex... thanks for your reply...
I've had ITP since February 2015... and has been triggered by a virus.
My platelet count was on the increase... then I stopped smoking. I only stopped 7 weeks ago... but in that time my platelet count has dropped. Just wondering if there is a link...
Thanks again x
I have had ITP over 15 years and have never smoked.
Can smoking reduce platelets or any effect on platelets? Two months ago, i had jaw extraction surgery and while surgery dentist advice me to have blood counts and incidentally i had only 2000 counts. From childhood i got bruises if get hit or someone rub my skin.I concerned general physician he told me nothing to worry about just take care not to get hit or bleed. I was healthy and never have had active bleeding from any part. He said its some kind of genetic problem . if you want to further proceed and wanted to know the problem then concern haematologist. So i went to Haematologist as Platelets counts were only 2000.Since then i concerned that doctor , i had two platelets transfusion and around 7 Soloumedrol INV , 100 mg, and current on prednisolone 45mg ( day) . NEORUL, and imuran, i feel really bad, shaking all the time. swelled glans , face, and body , Continue restlessness, breathing problem , and no proper sleep. Daily i get trip while sleep . i m chain smoker. i smoked pot from 8 years. i have to quit pot because of pills i'm taking. Now my smoking is increase. still my platelets are 6000
I just wanted to ask smoking effects platelets? and anyone having other pills with prednisolone
Sounds as though your having tough side effects from taking steriods. My consultant doesn't prescribe them for me because they don't work for me. I'm on Eltrombopag ( Revolade ).
I was just asking for other's experience regarding smoking and whether it did or did not effect platelet numbers. There doesn't appear to be a definate answer from responses so far.
congratulations on quit smoking; something I have to decide to do; but I asked my hemo if smoking cud have caused my low platelets; and he said, "NO"; that is one thing it didn't cause; but read somewhere that smoking and promacta don't mix.
This is so crazy almost in tears here. I had the same problem, i quit smoking six months later developed itp. Platelets at 2000 was in the hospital for a week. Continuing inplate for a year. Not i have started smoking again and havent had a problem with it sense. But i looked this up because i am quitting again tomorrow bit iam super scared to as the dr could not find anything wrong with me at all except low platelet count. Wow and I thought i was just insane thinking that was the problem.