My litte boy was diagnosed with ITP 5 weeks ago his platelet level was 1 he is still getting severe bruising and rash is worse this week is this normal after 5 weeks how long does it take for platelet levels to rise after initial diagnosis? It's so worrying!!
Child with itp: My litte boy was... - ITP Support Assoc...
Child with itp
Its sort of a how long is a piece of string questions I am sorry to say. Usually children are not treated unless there is bleeding of any sort either so watch and wait can be very scary.For most young children it is usually set off by a virus and the body eventually recitifies itself Sometimes they may need things such as steroids or ivig. Where are you from. It is worth noting that how adult and chilhood itp are treated is very different and often differs from country to country as well. If you can watch and wait then its best to avoid harsh treatments where possible and try to remain calm. You are his mum though so if you really feel at anytime concerned call your heamo team and dont be afraid to be pushy. My son got itp 2 years ago and is now considered chronic and is treated with ivig..I am also chronic refractory having had it for 17 years. Lots of info for you @
80% of children with ITP have acute ITP and the platelet count will become normal with no intervention somewhere within a year. There is no telling when this will be. It could take a week or it could take a nearly a year.
The other 20% become chronic and it is a long term condition. My 7 year daughter has had ITP for nearly 6 years. Her platelet coumt has never been above 20 something. Her last count was 5.
Hope your son recovers soon. Feel free to ak any questions. I know how scary it is at the beginning.
Thank you both for your replies, my little boy is 7 and we live in England Birkenhead, I guess it's just a matter of wait and see what happens at the moment as it's still early days he has his platelet count taken again next week so I'm just hoping they have risen slightly although looking at him I'm not getting my hopes up as he's still coming out in fresh bruises/ rash he's getting really frustrated at the moment he can't play football and is having to be kept in at school play times . How do your children go about every day life and get on with doing 'normal' kids things, playing sports the general rough and tumble that kids do??
MumofWill, are you sure that you and your son have ITP and not hereditary thrombocytopenia which is often misdiagnosed as ITP? It is highly unusual for two members of the same family to get ITP which is why I ask.