I was in a coma for 2 months I had nothing but nightmares that i was being tourchered and stabd and I also heard my sister fighting when she was actually fighting at home with her husband.. I suddenly heard a voice that said to me " calm down, calm down" so I did I I woke up when I did.. I didn't know I was even in a accident I was scared till the doctor came in and explained what had happened.. I didn't see God or angels it was he'll nothing but ugly feelings every single feeling you don't want to feel I was feeling has that happened to anyone?
Lost in a coma: I was in a coma for 2 months I had... - ICUsteps
Lost in a coma

Icu Delirium is experienced by about 70% of ICU patients - not everyone has bad dreams, some see funny absurd stuff.
I had a mixture of both, the majority being very dark and unpleasant.
When I first came out of hospital, I was accosted by someone who felt I should go to church to ‘Thank God ‘ for saving my life.
My reply was that I’d seen no evidence of God but plenty of evidence of the other fella.
Yes, nightmares are common. I had plenty. Some related to what was really happening, and others were inexplicable. A nurse that didn't exist and I feared would kill me was a recurring theme and storyline. I still remember her name, but have a hard time remember my real nurses' names. In another, I saw Christ and His Church on one side of the top of a tower, and Satan and his "church" on the other. I was in the middle, and had the distinct feeling both were pulling at my soul. Not clear images, but clearly not of this world - the brightest white on one side, and the darkest indistinguishable black on the other. I only got blank stares when I related that one the first time, so this is the only other time I've told anyone.
When I woke, nurses said it as a miracle from God that I survived. I knew it was, even though I didn't remember anything. I couldn't even remember the two weeks prior to going to the hospital.
Sometimes it takes a while to adjust to what was real vs what we dreamed. I remember my dreams better than anything leading up to being sedated, and even some of my time after waking up.
oh yes. This is not uncommon. The way I dealt with it is that I lived in another reality. I can remember every detail but it doesn’t bother me. And bye the way this all started 4 years ago
I had 2 distinct period of nightmares. One, when I was put under into a coma for a month and endured endless chases, car crashes, secret tunnels, and escapes from numerous villains.
Then, when I was awake out the coma, and doped up and being weaned off oxygen I had a second set of waking nightmares. These often involved the medical staff trying to kill me.
I believe both the mind-bending coma dreams and the awake delirium crazyness are both common for intensive care patients, frightening as they are.
Hi Beenz1
Yes it all to common. I had the staff trying to kill me, the hand sanitizer units on the wall morphing into evil clowns coming off the wall to kill me etc etc. They are all still strong memories but not intrusive 8 months down the road.
I died twice (as in major heart attacks) and whether this was at the same time I was having what I can only say was people say is an out of body experience. I can remember vividly having a helicopter view of where I thought I was watching family members parking their cars and coming in to see me. All those dreams and scary times are not nice but it’s the strong meds causing it. It will take time to separate real from the imaginary world, even now I have to pinch myself as Iam confused if I’m not still there.
Yes, identify with all of the above, both the sublime and the evil and all aspects in between. Some weird, some logical but all delirium. I deal with it, as an earlier reply, by accepting what I experienced as another "reality", acknowledging it but not giving it any attention or energy. It happened, its always there but try and look forward.
sounds horrendous. I was in a coma for 2 weeks and had nightmares all the time about me dying about everyone out to get me and torture. I hear it is the drugs that do that. Very frightening experience. It gets better. Keep well.
Hi Beebz1
As you'll have seen from the previous responses, ICU delirium is pretty common. Take a look at ICUsteps' leaflet on this: icusteps.org/assets/files/i...
I had terrifying delirium. One involved my kidnap by a doctor and nurse at the hospital I was in. They took me to a lovely hillside garden with lush green grass and a beautiful blue swimming pool with stunning views down down to what looked like the Mediterranean below. So far, so good. The downside was that I was paralysed and about to have various organs cut out of my body by a body part harvesting ring. It felt eternal and very real. There were others. If you look elsewhere on this ICUsteps forum, you will see other accounts which make my experience look like a teddy bear's picnic in comparison.
If possible, try on to dwell on it too much. It happened in your mind but was not real-life (even if living it at the time very much feels like real life).