A BIG Hi to you all.
I’d like to introduce myself.
My nick name is Big H and my journey started in 2021 with a covid pneumonia.
I was in a pub when we were allowed to go out, it’s the only place I had attended before contracting Covid Pneumonia. I just remember it was like having the worse flu and cold, and not able to pay for the heating most probably didn’t help matters it got worse but I refused to let my partner call 111 to get help, until I couldn’t walk to out bathroom in the end. I then spent 2 plus weeks in isolation ward and then sent home, when really I could not walk more than 20 meters without having to collapse on the bed
I tried in vain to get walking again, I ask my partner to take me to the seaside to just walk a different scenery, two weeks from discharge , I set myself a goal to walk three bench away and back, unfortunately this turned into three out and collapsed on the bench we went home and again my partner was eventually allowed to call 111 this was Christmas Day, diagnosis bilateral embolisms on the saddles of the lung ( not a good prognosis I was told) I was eventually discharged end of first week of January the following year This left me with lung scaring they call ground glass Then spent the rest of 2022 trying to get fit. Managed to get to a 5 Mile walk and 25 mile cycle ride and 2km swims 3x a week. Very happy.
On Christmas Day that year we went to the sea and for our normal swim, both of us are seasoned Cold water swimmers. Anyway we swam had a nice time and came home. Unbeknown to us our local water company had dumped sewage into the water that day. We stayed at home not going out for anything for the next two weeks and on the 6th of Jan 2023 I started going down hill fast and on the 8th Jan I was to the point of being delirious and I don’t remember even leaving my bedroom, then all I can remember is fleeting confused moments of going through the hospital, this was my going to ICU, then nothing fir nearly a month.
I had Sepsis pneumonia/ Strep A / Collapsed left lung / Acute Kidney Injury and Dialysis/ Multi Organ Failure / Heart Attack once or twice I’m not sure yet / which has left me with Atrial fibrillation., I was also inline to have ECMO apparently it was discussed with I think St Thomas’s London but I was to ill to be transferred. Plus suspected brain damage.
It was unbeknown to me but I was not suspected to last a day or two, my whole family were asked to come and say goodbye as I was not going to make it pass the next day.
So moving forward after all the fantastic work the ICU team did I go home 6 weeks later. Then as you all know the struggle has just started.
Long and short of it from then like all of us ICU survivors is Delirium / Nightmares / fatigue/ memory loss / Depression/Anxiety / Anger/ and the list goes on.
So 9 months later I can’t come to terms with the near death experience and trying to workout what my purpose is in life now as I can’t see things getting any better. Not being able to do anything like the things I used to do physically or mentally, I was fit before this to a greater extent after the year before’s illnesses I was walking miles, cycling 25 mile rides, and swimming 5 klms a week , still have some of the above issues anger, frustration, occasional nightmares, anxiety, and depression to a lesser degree
I’m lucky I have a wonderful partner whom also went in to hospital two days after me with Sepsis pneumonia on a ward and came out 10 days later. So the sick looking after the sick and no help.
So I will post again as there is so much I need to say and also share to see what help is out there.
so thanks for reading any help would be appreciated.
Big H