Sorry - another question from me. As it was a slightly different topic, I thought I'd start a new thread.
My dad has had a trachy now for just over two weeks, following two weeks fully sedated on a ventilator due to pneumonia. He is much improved and breathing unaided for 36 hours so far. He is also taking sips of water through a straw and starting to stand up a bit. They were talking about removing his trachy over the weekend (tomorrow or Sunday) and I was just wondering what they then look for to transfer to a general ward? There is a nurses strike on Weds and Thurs so I am really worried that they will try and move him out of ICU before then but there will be noone looking after him. Or am I being totally unrealistic about timeframes and he's probably safe in ICU for a while longer? How long do they tend to monitor someone post trachy/ventilator on ICU before transfer? TIA