I’m new here. Had sepsis last year ICU admission. Still have issues, mobility, etc. Had terrible delirium, PTSD but EMDR has helped this. Recently returned to work but tire easily.
I’m new here : I’m new here. Had sepsis last year... - ICUsteps
I’m new here

Hi @allotment22-2 welcome
Recovery from critical illness is lengthy. I’m glad you’ve found EDMR has worked for you - there are so many facets to recovery and physical is the most obvious.
We put on various exercise & yoga sessions each week which have helped me to physically repair. You’re welcome to try them out anytime cc-sn.org
I have just gone to this website and reading other people’s experiences of delirium made me spontaneously cry - not because of sadness but the relief of common understanding of the mad journey that critical illness brings. My husband must get sick of me retelling my travels round the world, not knowing who I was etc coupled with me still trying to work out which was delirium and which was reality! Thank you for guiding me to this site, it has made a difference to me already.
Hi allotment 22-2First off, well done on your recovery so far. If anything like me, you will find this group a huge source of help and information. So much is talked of on here including things I for one have been kinda taking in my stride only to find it's all normal part of the recovery process.
Hi. I had Sepsis and 4 weeks in ICU, followed by Covid and a further 10 weeks in ICU. Mobility was effected and had intense physio to get me back on my feet, but balance still an issue. I had icu delerium with both icu stays, and this was quite scary as the dreams were very vivid and often violent. Not sure if I had ptsd, but have yet to return to work mainly suffering fatigue, but also my kidney function has been permanently damaged.
Absolutely you are not alone. If you weren’t admitted with sepsis there is a fair chance that you could catch it in hospital. I was precovid had double pneumonia sepsis and open heart surgery. In icu for far too long and had a trachy I can remember all my hallucinations but these don’t cause me any problem. I had a course of CBT which helped a lot and gave me coping strategies. It’s 18 months on and I am still recovering both physically and mentally and I have memory problems. I fin I can get very emotional.
At least I’m #Warm_and_above_ground and I intend to stay that way
Unfortunately, what you describe is quite common. The whole ICU experience is so confusing, the combination of medication and lack of sleep is horrendous. Although sedated, its medically induced so he will not have got the regenerative sleep that we all need. I spent time in ITU with meningococcal bacterial meningitis, sepsis and pneumonia. The hallucinations can be very weird and upsetting, I was in a temporary psychotic state for around three weeks. Believe me please keep positive at all cost.
Full recovery once home is unfortunately a long haul. I got a lot out of writing about my "journey" afterwards, it really helped. That eventually turned into a book that I published just before Christmas it’s called Eight Seconds of MenB, if you feel inclined, please read it, it will give you an heads up on the sort of thing that may happen. Mostly it’s a sort of diary cataloguing my illness and the first four years of my recovery.
Best of luck to everyone