Covid ICU Ventilator Drs want to withdraw treatm... - ICUsteps


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Covid ICU Ventilator Drs want to withdraw treatment. Please help, any advice or similar experiences?

Forever-hopeful profile image
22 Replies

My 66yr old uncle is in hospital due to covid. Sedated and on ventilator. Now has multiple organ failure and some sepsis. The Drs are saying there is no hope. He had only been on ventilator for 1 day and they wanted to withdraw treatment. We have been through solicitors to stop hospital from switching off ventilator. The hospital are now looking for a second opinion. All we want is to give him a fighting chance, 6 days on a ventilator is not long enough. Has anyone experienced anything similar and the patient recovered? Thank you.

UPDATE 21/03

My uncle was killed last night. They called to say his blood pressure was low. By the time we got to the hospital (20 mins) it was too late. They didn’t resuscitate and everything was switched off. People aren’t dying of Covid they’re dying from the death machine ventilators. Please save your loved ones.

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Forever-hopeful profile image
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22 Replies
Dbilingual79 profile image

Wow that seems way too fast to call it quits! My 70 yr old dad was on ventilator in a NY hospital for 26 days. He had a trach done at day 13 then went into septic shock, had mrsa and a slew of bacterial infections. Even though no one thought he would survive, they gave him time to try once his head scans all came back clear (no brain damage) and miraculously- my dad somehow rallied and very slowly came around. He is home now with us walking and slowly getting his life back. Please fight for him. Time is sometimes all they need. Prayers are with you:)

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to Dbilingual79

Thank you so much for your reply. This gives us hope. The NHS Trust is now bullying us to put a “Do Not Resuscitate” order on, they threatened us through their solicitors last night that they would take us to an emergency court hearing today! Because we didn’t reply yesterday they then gave us a reply that they would look for a second opinion and now want to work with us! I cannot believe they want to give up so easily. We will keep fighting!

NSMOD profile image
NSMOD in reply to Forever-hopeful

My understanding is that CQC are investigating the number of DNRs in the NHS. Medical advice is important but so are the wishes of the individual. Don you have medical power of attorney?

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to NSMOD

My uncle was killed last night. They called to say his blood pressure was low. By the time we got to the hospital (20 mins) it was too late. They didn’t resuscitate and everything was switched off. People aren’t dying of Covid they’re dying from the death machine ventilators. Please save your loved ones.

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to Dbilingual79

Really great to hear about your dad’s recovery, hope he is doing better each day

Dbilingual79 profile image
Dbilingual79 in reply to Forever-hopeful

Thank you. Yes he has made great progress! Have hope, faith and pray!

Angech profile image
Angech in reply to Dbilingual79

Good to hear! What hospital was your dad in?

Dbilingual79 profile image
Dbilingual79 in reply to Angech

He was at White Plains Hospital in NY

FamilyHistorian profile image

You should also consider seeking support from PALS. Their details will be on the hospital website.

I can only speak for my self but I was sedated / ventilated for nearly 2 months; I had a trachy following a heart op, pneumonia & sepsis. I came out Mid March’20 and I’m 73 now

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to FamilyHistorian

Thank you for this. Yes we have contacted PALS too.

Hope you’re recovery is going well. If you don’t mind me asking, were you stable for 2 months? Did you have any complications?

FamilyHistorian profile image
FamilyHistorian in reply to Forever-hopeful

No I wasn’t stable even when sedated. The family were called in twice as I wasn’t expected to make it. It was very much a case of small step forward big steps back. Changes were exhausting. It took along time to wean me off and suddenly I turned a corner. I also had a preexisting condition rheumatoid arthritis which didn’t help!

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to FamilyHistorian

Amazing story so happy that you turned that corner! Hope you continue to stay strong xxx

Sepsur profile image

It does seem very fast but we are not in possession of all the facts. You are within your rights to ask for a second opinion which the hospital doesn’t have to grant. The only other avenue to explore is the hospital PALS team. I hope that your position concludes satisfactorily

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to Sepsur

Thank you. They have said they will get a second opinion internally. They gave him incorrect advice when they moved him from CPAP to mechanical ventilation, they told him he was just going for a rest as the front of his lungs were clear of infection and it was just the back. They said don’t worry this is to help you. They said if anything happens we will resuscitate you, and now they want us to sign DNR. They never told him he could die. He wasn’t able to make an informed decision, on drugs and tired, no family allowed to visit him. We had to force them to let auntie see him before he went on ventilator. People are not dying of Covid they’re dying because they’re being rushed to put on ventilators and the ventilator is destroying them.

Suzyk9 profile image

Hi! I believe everyone reacts differently to Covid but this is my story! My husband age 54 no underlying health conditions (did smoke) went on a ventilator on 11th Jan. 5 weeks later had a tracheostomy. Had sedation reduced 3 days later but day after had a pneumothorax so was sedated again. Over the following weekend developed another infection and then kidneys failed so needed dialysis and also meds to help BP. At that point I was told seriously ill and they put in place a DNAR. I told them they must carry on and they said yes we will give all treatment but if needs resus they would not do it as at that time they believed he would not survive resus. Anyway nearly 2 weeks later his kidney function started again and now he does not need dialysis. The meds for BP stopped before that. Now he is improving. No infection and tracheostomy tube removed last week. I believe it is a miracle so don’t give up hope. DNAR now removed! Now my husband faces the uphill struggle of rehab but after just over 8 weeks on the ventilator and all the ups and downs he has come through that part. I just keep in praying he will improve through rehab. He is still in ICU but waiting for a rehab bed. Next week will be his 10 th week in ICU. Just keep praying and hopefully things will improve 🙏

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to Suzyk9

I am so happy for you. I hope your husband recovers well xxx

Beanyynwa profile image
Beanyynwa in reply to Suzyk9

So happy to hear about your husband's improvement. How is he now?

Forever-hopeful profile image

My uncle was killed last night. They called to say his blood pressure was low. By the time we got to the hospital (20 mins) it was too late. They didn’t resuscitate and everything was switched off. People aren’t dying of Covid they’re dying from the death machine ventilators. Please save your loved ones.

TaIaV profile image
TaIaV in reply to Forever-hopeful

So very very sorry to hear this. To suffer the loss of your uncle is terrible. To feel that he might not have been given the full chance to recover must be devastating.

This epidemic is challenging all our medical services; treatment protocols are evolving every day. People are not assured of getting the best and latest standard of care and sometimes even that is not enough.

Your uncle and your whole family are now a part of the historic tragedy of the epidemic . Those of us left relatively unscathed by COVID 19 weep for you.

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to TaIaV


Beanyynwa profile image

Hi I am not a medical professional. Our experience of our sister contracting coronavirus and being in ICU has been difficult as we didn't understand what was going on, as well as the shock, distress, anxiety and not being able to see her.

My sister has been on ventilator for over 3 weeks now. Two weeks ago doctors were very pessimistic and each phone call was leaning towards thier concerns about her chances of surviving. She is 55 years old and apart from being a smoker ( which clearly has not helped) had no underlying health issues and other than damage to lungs, she had no problems re her other organs. The focus seemed to be related to her being obese and I explained that she had put on a lot of weight after being beaten up during a mugging and later breaking her leg. She lives alone and the isolation of lockdown led to anxiety and depression.

One phone call with a doctor last Mondayleft me sobbing that my sister would die . I know that doctors need to share thier concerns but a balanced approach is needed. It did help that I often talked to a different doctor each day and that thier views and analysis often differed.

I talked to my other sisters and attended the Chester relatives zoom meeting. This was so helpful and I learned a great deal. Several relatives explained the although they were told their family members would not survive, they did. It is an emotional and physical roller coaster and things can change either way within hours sometimes.

I wish more doctors would say that they actually do not know how things will go. I guess this is difficult to do because as humans we want and seek certainty. I personally have moved from seeking safe certainty to being able to manage safe uncertainty. This had entailed my asking lots of questions about my sister's situation and treatment and being open to the fact that whilst the medical professionals caring for my sister are experts doing the best they can for her, they are still learning about covid and do not have all the answers. We are all individuals and unique so it is hard to predict trajectory or outcome.

I sought daily counselling for myself including bereavement counselling as our Mum died on 8th Feb due to contracting COVID in June 2020 and again in early February 2021. Love, faith, prayer and support has made us believe strongly that our sister is fighting to live and needs to given the chance for her lungs and body to heal. We are not giving up on her and I firmly asked doctors not to give up on her either.

I had covid in early January and was very ill at home for 3 weeks and on several occasions believed I would die due to respiratory difficulties. I was lucky enough to remain at home but now have long covid. One of the reasons doctors believe I survived without hospital treatment was that despite being 57, overweight, having underlying health issues and taking immunosuppressant meds, I was taking a biological drug to reduce inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. My sister was also given a similar medication soon after being put on the ventilator and this needs time to take effect.

I don't know if any of this is helpful but I would recommend that you attend one of the relative meetings, secure emotional support, tell doctors how you feel and keep asking questions.

I wish your Uncle, you and your family all the best. Keep fighting for him. Virtual hugs 🤗🤗🤗

Forever-hopeful profile image
Forever-hopeful in reply to Beanyynwa

Thank you so much for your reply. I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your mum and everything you’re having to go through. I pray for your sister and hope she fights through.

Unfortunately the doctors in our situation did not appreciate any questions we asked, but I agree the lines of communication need to be open as we are in the only ones who can speak for our loved ones who are under sedation.

I pray that no one has to go through the horrendous ordeal that we have had to go through.

Sending lots of love to you and your family xxx

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