Mom finally off ventilator after 7 months! - ICUsteps


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Mom finally off ventilator after 7 months!

Livinglifeachday profile image

Hi everyone, great news, after a little over 7 months of my mom being on on a ventilator and doctors saying that my mother would be vent dependent, she has proven otherwise. My mom was finally disconnected from the ventilator and moved on to a t-piece (high flow oxygen, I believe)! She was placed on trial for 24 hours and she is currently going on 52 hours with 96-99% saturation, heart rate at around 65-75, and no signs of distress. She is currently on 40% high flow oxygen, and my question was: when can doctors determine that she is ready to completely breathe on her own? How low does her oxygen needs need to be before they use the red cap to close her trach and trial her and then decannulate?

It's very hard for me to get these answers from doctors directly and I have been doing some research, but can anyone that has gone from vent to high flow oxygen share their experience?

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Livinglifeachday profile image
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20 Replies
Sepsur profile image

Amazing - wow. I don’t know the answers to your question I’m afraid

Rhyl1 profile image

There are no hard and fast figures at this point but rather the clinical experience of the people looking after your mum. They will not be in a hurry as she has been on a ventilator for such a long time. She needs time at each step to get comfortable with the change before another step is taken. It is really positive that she is coping so well.

Livinglifeachday profile image
Livinglifeachday in reply to Rhyl1

yes, we are taking it day by day. we do not want to rush the process as she has been on a ventilator for soo ling. I just want to make sure she is okay and reacting positively to the high flow oxygen. Last night she did mention to me that doctors and RT had mentioned that if she continued to do as well as she has been, she might be ready to be completely off supplemental oxygen. This is the moment we have all been waiting for and now that it might be happening soon, I can't help but be a little scared. Is it too soon? This is a huge step for my mom. What is she needs additional time on high flow oxygen and she is taken off too soon? Maybe it's just me worrying too much?

Grant_za profile image
Grant_za in reply to Livinglifeachday

Each patient's requirements are different when it comes to weaning off ventilators and hiflo nasal oxygen.

While I noticed the "go to" for many USA and European hospitals was ventilators, South Africa chose hiflo oxygen.

In my experience in SA, the majority of patients received hiflo for 7 to 10 days gradually decreasing oxygen concentration over that period, in conjuction with the patient's natural ability and lung function at the time.

"Downgrading" from ventilator to hiflo is a really positive step.

Keep in mind the doctors may have to tweak the ogygen concentration from time to time - don't be too alarmed.

Livinglifeachday profile image
Livinglifeachday in reply to Grant_za

When my mother was ventilated, she was already on 2 different types of hiflo oxygen from my understanding (through the nose and also the mask) both at 100% and still was not enough. My mom's saturation was still going down, vent was the last resort, scariest thing ever. But yes downgrading from vent to hiflo is a step towards the right direction.

Ted2020 profile image

Wow, this is amazing news. I am so happy for you and your family.

Your mom has truly been through so much and is such a fighter. I wish her a continued recovery. And hopefully she will be home with you soon..

We are still waiting on my dad to turn a corner(105 days ventilated..picking up infection after infection)

This truly does give us hope on those down days and that there I still Hope.

Thank you

Livinglifeachday profile image
Livinglifeachday in reply to Ted2020

Thank you! This has been such a long journey for my mother and the family and I am soo glad we are starting to see the light at the end off the tunnel. Don't lose hope, your father is strong and he will turn a corner soon. My mother has caught several many infections, was transferred to ER and ICU 2-3 times after being transferred to the current hospital she is at, almost coded, had super elevated levels of Co2, was on A/C mode on the ventilator for the longest and when she was on CPAP her pressure support was between 20-30, PEEP between 5-8, and Fi02 varied between 35-45%. Because the pulmonologist has already warned that she was going to be vent dependent, doctors didn't try to ween her much, they just tried to keep her stable and maintain her oxygen needs. I had to constantly push for doctors to place weening orders. Eventually this past weekend an RT that was assigned to my mother looked at her vent settings, volumes, numbers, etc. and said that she did not understand why she was on the vent still. She started lowering her vent setting numbers and mom was tolerating it pretty well until pressure support and PEEP were 5/5. RT then spoke with doctors to trial her of the t-piece (high flow oxygen) and has been tolerating it well since then. I truly believe that god put her in my mother's care. Until now, no one was willing to trial her on t-piece. I'm a firm believer that good has the perfect timing for everything and just like my mom (that proved doctors otherwise) your father will be better soon. Miracles do happen, just do not lose hope.

Ted2020 profile image
Ted2020 in reply to Livinglifeachday

Thank you so much.

We hope and pray that every day this will be the case. Since we got him moved to his new hospitial they are definitely trying a bit more..he just needs to build up the strength to breath fir himself and keep infections at I'm sure you know it is day by day and you have ups and downs as a family .

Your story is truly amazing and inspirational, thank you for sharing


Livinglifeachday profile image
Livinglifeachday in reply to Ted2020

yes, taking it one day at a time is all we can do. I'ts a very slow process, but any improvement no matter how small is great! I'm glad to hear this new hospital he was transferred to is trying to get him stronger.

lynnmarr profile image
lynnmarr in reply to Ted2020

My husband was intebated on November 10, too! He just had a gall bladder infection and today it looks like he is getting another infection? Two steps forward one step backwards!

Livinglifeachday profile image
Livinglifeachday in reply to lynnmarr

My mom has gone through many many infections as well, but our loved ones are strong and they will pull through. Hoping your husband gets better soon!

Mimi407 profile image
Mimi407 in reply to Ted2020

Oh ted i am on the same boat. I will be praying for your dad and family. May both our dads recover soon!

LeopardGecko profile image

That's brilliant news! 🙂

Therehastobehope profile image

Amazing news!!’l

Ferham profile image

Wonderful news

Mccarthy0702 profile image

Wow amazing miracles do happen ❤️

lbohorquez profile image

Thank you for sharing this gives my so much hope for my dad thank you!

Livinglifeachday profile image
Livinglifeachday in reply to lbohorquez

Don't lose hope, your father will pull through and turn a corner soon. I'm a firm believer in god's timing. Doctors are given the tools to help sick patients, but god has the final say of when good health will return to our loved ones.

For many months doctors told us my mom would be vent dependent and would most likely not be able to come back home. It seemed like they were starting to give up on her when weaning orders stooped. But no matter what, I kept pushing doctors to keep trying. She has gotten infection after infection, been rushed to the ER, transferred to the ICU 2 times, almost coded, saturation levels extremely low, and Co2 levels extremely high. Mom would take 1 step forward 2 back. this whole journey has been a roller coaster for everyone.

It's a true miracle that she has made it this far and is now disconnected from the vent.

Will keep your father in my prayers

lbohorquez profile image
lbohorquez in reply to Livinglifeachday

Thank you so much that is very true. Firm Believer !

Mimi407 profile image

Beautiful words! God's timing is perfect. I believe God will give us all the miracle we are hoping for.

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