COVID-19 patient in ICU on a ventilator. - ICUsteps


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COVID-19 patient in ICU on a ventilator.

Letspray profile image
31 Replies

A relative is in an ICU due contracting COVID-19. They have been on a ventilator for 4 days now. There lungs have been damaged from Covid-19 and they are on a mode where they can take breaths for themselves and the current rate or pressure of oxygen is 50%. Everything else ( organs ) seem to be fine. I’m immensely confused as there situation has not changed for the past 4 nights. I know a weaning process to get them off the ventilator is what we can pray for but the information we get twice a day via a phone seems very limited and just want them to get better. Please help with any information.

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Letspray profile image
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31 Replies
Sepsur profile image

On the face of it - your relatives situation sounds promising but[b/] I’m not medically qualified in any way - so what do I know.

This is a great guide for what to expect.

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Sepsur

Thanks for the link

Sepsur profile image
Sepsur in reply to Letspray

My pleasure

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Sepsur

Have you been through something similar?

Sepsur profile image
Sepsur in reply to Letspray

My story 😊

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Sepsur

Amazing story and hope you and your family are well.

Sepsur profile image
Sepsur in reply to Letspray

More importantly- I’m not unique - many of us overcome much more. What is funny about this film is that we were helping to promote people getting flu jab - I was/am also fighting leukaemia which we never mention - mad

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Emmalowe1988 profile image

Hi I have a very similar situation.

My mums has been vented on ICU for one week and 2 days. She had a positive covid swab in January 26th after routine surgery to remove her gall bladder.

Mum is currently paralysed and having a muscle relaxer to give her a complete rest.

She has also been nursed prone to help her clear her chest..

For the past 4 days there is no improvement but also no decline.. it’s so hard.

I have also just given birth to my first child, her grandchild and she doesn’t know she’s been born so I am finding this incredibly hard.

Any advice or support is welcome x

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Emmalowe1988

Hi,I think just think just information what to expect helps. I real feel for you and your mum, I can’t imagine what your family are going through. Is she on a ventilator to?

in reply to Letspray

Hi there my dad is comming up to 3 weeks on a vent he actually came off for 24 hours and ended up back on he is now on infection number 3 and muscles relaxed full vent if I've learned anything it's up and down daily it literally is to be taken day by day , I've kept a diary of every change/phone call just in case we need to look back on anything. Just know they are in the best place and I pray for all to come through it 🙏

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to

I just want to know what questions to ask when the hospital call? and what to gauge from the situation and the responses. I’m sitting on a knife edge all day. The stress is killing me.

in reply to Letspray

I'm the same I've got to go for an ecg on Thursday I've been having that bad heart palpitations when they call it's making me Ill. Things I was asking was are they stable? What peep is the vent on, what oxygen level is it , have they been proned? Have they had a sedation drop. Any other issues besides the lungs. I didn't know anYthing this website helped me so much with knowledge and I've slowly got to know the staff at his new hospital which makes it easier

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to

It’s happened so quickly so I’ve just been like madman reading up on mechanical ventilation etc etc I just feel like they are at a crossroads and I can’t wait for the weening process starts. It’s just ( for me ) soul destroying when we get the call nothing has changed and we can’t start the weening process or start spontaneous breathing trials. I feel like calling them all the time. But I always refrain from doing so, because I know they have other patients to look after. I would just like to know what the plans are for them. Can I ask you what peep is ? What should I look out for ? and what should it be for a healthy person?

in reply to Letspray

I was like that always need to ring. Peep is the pressure that the vent is pushing air so the higher the peep the higher the pressure like I say my dad was off the vent and has somehow ended back on filled paralyzed peep 10 high vent (high peep can cause more lung damage the doc told me) my dad had no underlying health conditions non smoker not over weight. They will only started weaning the vent when support is reduced and the patients responds well to comming of sedation. Responding to commends.

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to

Hi there I’ve just been told they are increasing the peep from 5 to 8 for tonight. Any thoughts on this mode ??

in reply to Letspray

Just pushes oxygen into the lungs at a stronger pase

Sepsur profile image
Sepsur in reply to Letspray

As I’ve replied to one of the other people on this thread - we hold a drop-in meeting for relatives every Tuesday night - you’ll be able to ask people who have been through the same & come out the other side 😊

Mccarthy0702 profile image
Mccarthy0702 in reply to Letspray

Sorry to hear your in this situation. My dad was a covid patient back in March last year , ventilated for 73 days . It’s really is very up and down and seems covid patients tend to take longer being weaned fromThe ventilator.

The fact there hasn’t been a decline in her condition is good . ICU is very up and down and makes it even worse not being able to visit . I remember very well the 2 calls a day to the hospital I felt so ill in the early days couldn’t eat or concentrate on anything but waiting to call the hospital and yet at the same time terrified what they would tell me . There is light at the end of the tunnel just take every positive you can . Wishing you and your relative all the best and hope they are improve soon xx

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Mccarthy0702

This is exactly how it is just praying that they can turn the corner where they call us to say some positive information on his condition of their lungs

FamilyHistorian profile image
FamilyHistorian in reply to

Caring for yourself is really important. Have you thought about relaxation exercise such as Yoga ICUStepsChester provide 2 zoom sessions a week.

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to FamilyHistorian

I’m trying to read books to take my mind off it but this is all so fresh so I will try different things.

Sepsur profile image
Sepsur in reply to Emmalowe1988

We hold a friends & relatives drop-in meeting on zoom every Tues at 20.00GMT - I can send you details - you can pop in for as long or short time as is convenient

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Emmalowe1988

Hi how’s your mother doing today?

Emmalowe1988 profile image
Emmalowe1988 in reply to Letspray


Mum had a tracheostomy fitted yesterday to enable the professionals to wean down her sedation but also control her breathing at the same time.

It went very well, her sedation has now been turned off and she is hopeful to be awake and aware of her situation some point in the next day or so...

They are aiming to use the tracheostomy to support her breathing but with her being awake they will have a better idea of how her body can cope on it’s own..

The Trachy will hopefully be removed before she leaves ICU!

For the first time in 2 weeks I feel hopeful and happy xxxx

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Emmalowe1988

So happy for you keep us all updated on her progress !!

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Emmalowe1988

We have been offered the tracheostomy ( members of the family are freaking out ) what questions would you ask the professionals if you were in our position ? We are in a similar position to your mother.

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Emmalowe1988

Hi there how is your mum doing with the trachy?

Bobbinlady1 profile image

My husband is now in week 7 recovering from Covid and still on a ventilator on low levels of support. I understand your frustration as I was in similar situation for the first 4 weeks, but looking back at the notes I made during my daily phone calls, I believe that 'stable' is a positive and that a slow approach to weaning is preferable to coming off the ventilator too soon and needing to go back. Try to stay positive and don't lose hope. In my experience the doctors and nurses are amazing and really do want the best for our love ones.

Letspray profile image
Letspray in reply to Bobbinlady1

Thank you so much for the positive message it gives me great hope.

Emmalowe1988 profile image


This thread is a real great thing to share experiences.

It looks like the weaning of the vent and the struggles out loved ones are facing when doing it is a relatively normal thing in vented covid patients ...

I think due to the lungs being completely paralysed and also ‘covid scaring’ this is what is proving to be the reason as to why the lungs arnt working effective when trialed ... therefore it’s time to heal and recover is essential to our loved ones x

PeterJu profile image

Hi. I was on a vent last April with covid for 9 days. They tried to bring we off the the vent on day 5, however this failed as I had a swollen larynx. I have no memory of my time on the vent. My wife and family went through the emotional wringer that all our loved ones do. To re-iterate Sepsur's comments , I am no medic and also being a vent has obvious risk. However, my advice would be trust the medics; their understanding of covid and its treatment now means that good outcomes have significantly increased. There is little you or your family can do right now other than look after yourselves, rest and look after one another. Best wishes to you all, Pete

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