Hi my name is Maggie, I Was googling how long a person stays sedated and came across something that said a little hope.My mom has been in the hospital for about a month now she has the coronavirus and has been in ICU since April 3rd. I believe it’s been about eight or nine days that she’s been off for sedation but she hasn’t woken up yet and she’s getting dialysis because her kidneys weren’t functioning once they put her on the machine now they’re saying that she has staph like an infection in her blood so she’s getting medication for that her blood pressure goes up and down so they’re on able to do a CT scan for her brain my family and I have a chain of prayers going on and we pray every single day we have not been able to see my mom but we do call the hospital every day for an update so far she stable she’s getting less blood pressure medication but that goes up-and-down all the time as well this is very frustrating I’m heartbroken because I can’t be there with my mom and I feel like I can’t breathe at times like I’m going out of my mind I’m very irritable and always crying but I also Believe in God and in his miracles and I pray that he makes a miracle out of my mom I know there’s a lot of us going through the same thing and I’m glad I found this because now I know I’m not alone I feel like no one in my house understood what I’m going through especially my husband because his mom is OK and I don’t wish her harm because I love her too but he just doesn’t understand what I’m feeling becausebecause it’s my mom in the hospital I pray they find a cure for this COVID-19 and I pray that no one else has to lose their lives behind us and I pray that we all stay safe. Today I feel like God little by little is answering our prayers and I also feel like he’s going to make my mom better so I’m going to hold onto the hope that I have and the belief that God makes miracles every day and that my mom will come home and then we all will be OK I will continue praying but if you have any advice for me I’m more than willing to take it especially if you have stories about people that have came out of this.
A Miracle For MyMom: Hi my name is Maggie, I Was... - ICUsteps
A Miracle For MyMom

I was put into what became a 57 day coma. I was on dialysis for seven weeks of that time. I didn’t have Covid but I suffered all of the complications associated with Covid 19.
I had avian flu, strep A, double pneumonia, septic shock leading to heart, kidney & respiratory failure. I then got severe ARDS was proned a few times, shocked to get my heart going several times, they also diagnosed me with leukaemia - not expected to survive, I was declared “the sickest man in the hospital”.
That was 4yrs ago - apart from the lockdown - life is normal for me - Hope is sometimes all we have - best wishes.
Wow God Bless you. My sister and brother decided that if my moms heart stops again not to resuscitate the doctors said that’s painful and can break her ribs. Don’t now how true that is. Just know I don’t feel good about that decision but I also wouldn’t want them breaking her ribs. I’m very hopeful that God will bless her with a Miracle.
I find the comment from the doctors to be a little odd.
Resuscitation via chest compressions carried out by doctors in an advanced care environment should not result in broken ribs.
A DNR (do not resuscitate order) in my opinion, should only be considered if there is no prospect of any quality of life after successful resuscitation.
Rethink your decision, if you decide to revoke the DNR, it must be done as a matter of extreme urgency
Thank you for sharing your story with me.
That is a very hard decision to make with certainty / I feel for you all. From my position, and my wife did have the late night phone call to come and say her final goodbyes, I’m glad they gave me every opportunity to survive.
So my brother called for an update on my mom they finally got to do the CT scan on her and they found bleeding in the brain so now we are waiting for a neurologist I have to keep praying for my mother and I have to believe that God is going to give us a miracle.
I wish you & your family good news
My husband is going through what your mum is going through. He is in ICU since 10 April and we are going through a lot everyday. We also have a big family with strong faith praying and supporting us. Stick to the promises of God. Our hope is in the Lord. Stay courageous. We know God is with him my husband so many time they have said that he won't make it but God has been with him. God heals x
Stay strong everybody. We are going through a very similar situation with my dad. Praying for a miracle for us all. I am so sorry we are all experiencing such pain.
my mother CT scan showed yesterday bleeding in the brain and today they did another CT scan so thankfully the blood stopped but they feel that the blood is in the center of the brain and that’s what’s keeping her from waking up supposedly it affects the mobility in the speech but I still have hope that my mother will make it the doctors are not God and God is who decides good luck with your family member I will be praying for you and them
my mother CT scan showed yesterday bleeding in the brain and today they did another CT scan so thankfully the blood stopped but they feel that the blood is in the center of the brain and that’s what’s keeping her from waking up supposedly it affects the mobility in the speech but I still have hope that my mother will make it the doctors are not God and God is who decides good luck with your family member I will be praying for you and them