Hi my brother suffered a cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated 10 times last week he had a stent fitted due to complete blockage the doctors decided to put him in an induced coma as he was agitated & they wanted his body body to rest they have tried waking him everyday for the past 7 days he isn’t waking appropriately so they keep sedating him he’s had mri & eeg 6 days after his cardiac arrest which came back with no brain damage showing as he was starved of oxygen when his heart stopped they have said they will keep trying to wake him &want to do another mri in another 4 days as they say he still could have brain injuries has anyone else experienced anything similar as I can’t understand how any injury could take this long to show x
My brother đź’™: Hi my brother suffered a cardiac... - ICUsteps
My brother đź’™

It can take weeks to wake up from an induced coma. My younger brother was put in an induced coma and part of the treatment he had caused bleeds on his brain. We were told there may be no recovery for your brother. A different kind consultant told us to remain hopeful. Not just him but my Dad did too. It is very hard and traumatic for you I know because experienced it; I was with my brother every day in ICU and CCU. Keep talking to your brother because your presence will reassure him and though he may not be able to respond yet he will be able to hear you. The kind consultant I mention went to my brother and shouted my brothers name directly down his ear and his eyes opened briefly so he responded. It was a moment of relief on the rollercoaster you are experiencing. I will send you a couple of links which may help you. Remain hopeful is the best advice. Keep a timeline for your brother and you may be able to see small improvements which will help you to look back to when you have difficult days.
This explains about what happens in an induced coma. Remember when the person is already dealing with it’s illness it has all these drugs which adds to what the body has to deal with.
This is a 14 minute long radio programme by a trustee of ICU steps who was in a medically induced coma. It’s really helpful.
Thank you for the reply my brother has finally woke up from his induced coma he’s not completely responsive but it’s a start the doctors are now admitting he’s got delirium & are playing soft music they have asked us to bring photos up n get his nieces & nephews to draw him some pictures they are still worried about brain damage &are monitoring him until Monday then if no change are doing another mri & eeg