On December 25 my mama oxygen dropped low. She was took to the hospital and diagnosed with the flu. The next day her oxygen dropped low, and they had to put her on a ventilator. She was then diagnosed with the flu, ARDS and sepsis. She got stable enough for the Trachea, but yesterday her kidneys shut down. She hasn't put out much fluid. Her blood pressure also dropped really low. I was wanting to know if this ever happened to you or someone you know. She been in the ICU for about 22 days, and they were going to do dialysis but her blood pressure is just to low.
ARDS: On December 25 my mama oxygen dropped low... - ICUsteps

Except for the kidneys this is what happened to me several years ago. I was in icu for over seven weeks, ventilated for five.
Happened with Mr dad his oxygen level drops down to 28 then they have put him on ventilator after 48"hr as ventilator was not supporting much they introduced ecmo for Ards but his kidney was not working so they have done dialysis too.
Lots of luck and good wishes to you.
How much low oxygen level is of your mother
Exactly the same happened to me 18months ago, a slightly different running order - I was on dialysis for 7wks and in ICU for around 90 days. Too sick to move to a unit that had ECMO. Pulled through eventually - hope your Mother improves soon.
Very similar to me 7 years ago but I had double pneumonia, severe sepsis which caused multiple organ failure and ARDS, 19 days on a ventilator before I was stable enough for a tracheotomy for 67 days, I also spent six weeks on kidney dialysis and received 8 units of blood, so many CT scans it's a wonder I don't glow in the dark, thanks to the wonderful doctors & nurses that not only looked after me but also gave my wife & family great support during the 3 months I spent in ICU, I left hospital with lungs that resembled a patchwork quilt on the CT scan and 56% lung capacity, my lungs are now 87% capacity with blood oxygen of 93-94% which means taking life at a slower pace but I'll take that any day when I wife was told in my early admission days I was unlikely to survive and had a DNR placed on me.
I thought are with you as it's the relatives that suffer the trauma of seeing a loved one connected to so many machines, while your mother will be getting the best treatment possible by a very dedicated medical team and hopefully she will make a good recovery.
Today they told us she has multiple organ failure. All her vitals signs look good. Her ventilator is on 90% and she at 95%. They told us we need to just stop the treatment and there nothing more they can do. I don't want to give up she is only 39... Did your blood pressure drop low
My blood pressure fell through the floor every time someone touch me so they gave me as little contact as possible, I was so critical they placed a DNR on me tell my wife I wasn't expected to make the night, thankfully it was removed the next day the consultant telling her there had been a miracle, I also suffered respiratory arrest and 2 cardiac arrests when a mucus plug the size of a golf ball blocked my airway far 10mins while they fought to remove it, the ARDS also completely stiffened my left lung and two thirds of my right lung the consultant telling my wife I was a young man (52years old) and all the time they had something to work with they would not give, your mother is a lot younger and hopefully they would do all they can, I know I was incredibly lucky to survive and owe so much to the fantastic NHS and the dedicated doctors and nurses that refused to give up, my advice would be never give up hope and resist being pressured into making a decision.
I am so sorry to here your story. The unpredictability of sepsis is so cruel. I don't know how I made it,. But I did albeit with a few lasting side effects. I am finding it difficult to coming to terms with my brush with death My thoughts are with you and your family and will pray for icu,s miracles. .
my dad is in ICU on ventilator, medically induced comma. Day 11. pneumonia, sepsis, ARDS and fever. I'm trying to stay positive, but I'm finding my mother rather defeatist and so I've come here to find some more positive attitudes to help me get through this. He is 76 but was really healthy before chest infection.