Hi people ! just wondering is it normal to discharge a patient from icu that had epilepticus even though they may be not fully awake due to the sedation drugs? when the sedation wore of they had status epilepticus again and ended back in icu. Thanks for any reply or similar experience.
icu : Hi people ! just wondering is it normal to... - ICUsteps

I had a very short period of time where I was reacting to an anti-viral whilst in ICU. I think it was called gangciclovir. Because of how Ill I was, it was hard to decide what was illness & what was medication & side effects. By the end of the week I was fitting frequently - I remember the first 4 but not any of the rest of that day. The following day - started the same. I assumed I was having mini strokes - and felt weirdly calm with that. I could only blink to let nurse know that I was conscious - I then had a series of more extreme fits which I don't remember. The reason I tell you all this is that the hospital had been desperate to get me out of ICU all that week - my fitting kept me in there another week or so.
3 days
yes on a ventilator and did ct scan more the one.