Hysterectomy : Hi so I’m new to this and... - Healthy Happy Woman

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Darbyshire-plant01 profile image

Hi so I’m new to this and have no idea but I’m just looking for some support as I don’t know anyone who has gone through the same as me. Basically I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago because of abdomyosis and I had pre cancerous cells on my womb when I was 25 they left my overys because of my age, all went well and recovery was two weeks I was back driving etc. 5 years on and I’m in hell again my overys are now the problem I’m bleeding, sex is horrendously painfull, my stomachs bloated constantly, they said possible endrometriosis. Consultant started me on zoledex injections every month after two months of being on it I had become so poorly and suicidal my body shut down and I had two seizures which lead to me losing my driving licence for a year and as a Mum of 4, one being a step daughter It wasn’t the greatest year. The consultant realised that they should have also but me on hormone replacement therapy along side my injections little too late but I started it and really struggled my body wouldn’t accept it and my mental health become unbareable it was affecting my family I was put on a high dose of citalopram and propanalol which was ok apart from I was a walking zombie who had no life or feeling at all. After another consultant appointment the basically said I had to live with it, I decided to stop everything and just deal with the constant pain as I couldn’t go on as I was and I had absolutely no support around me, most days I’d rather be dead that feel and live how I was. So latest appointment new consultant as I’ve seen a different one each time has said right taking let’s take out one of your overys and hope that balances things out hormonally but also will help with the pain, so problems the left one brilliant finally getting somewhere, ah so my left overy is stuck to my bowel and stomach wall so removing it will tear my bowel and I’ll have to have a stoma. Brilliant thanks life!!!!! So the question in this massive blag is please someone help me I honestly don’t know what to do. My mental health is affected by hormones it started when I had my first child at 21 I’ve had councilling etc and had it under control for years untill I started the zoledex and it’s basically gone down hill from there. Since coming off the zoledex I’m gained over a stone in weight which again doesn’t help my mental health. It’s all a mess and I don’t know who to talk to or where to go from here. I massively regret going on zoledex and I would never ever recommend it to anyone. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Xxxx

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Darbyshire-plant01 profile image
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2 Replies
Lizzyann57 profile image

Hi I'm sorry but I can't help maybe someone on here can .wishing you all the best x

HellyLlewelly profile image

Hi Darbyshire,

I saw your post and thought I replied. Sorry it's been a ling tine since you posted. Have you managed to get advice elsewhere?

The ovary that is stuck to your bowel, the left one, can you get a second opinion from a bsge centre appointed endometriosis specialist? Look up the list of them on Google to see one most local to you and book a consultation. My right ovary was stuck to my pelvic cavity/floor but I had both taken out anyway during my total hysterectomy bso.

Have you considered that get didn't agree with you solely because you were ALSO on the Zoladex...to me it seems like to totally shut them down and then pump in the hormones may not suit all. You are left in a very dismal situation with not many options being given to you

Have they not suggested both ovaries out and retry the hrt via another delivery method or many others take either bio identical hrt or go bionatural route.

You sound like your life is hell atm anyway and I know I was like you in that I completely wanted to disappear before I had my hysterectomy it was all too much to cope with this excruciating pain.

Have you been medically ruled off hrt for any reason?

I had my ovaries taken etc at 39 because I feared them acting up and feared the endometriosis could regrow onto them and at my age I thought best take the lot away and although a long shot in the dark I still believe I made the right decision. I am settling on her with tiredness being my main or only real concern yet I'm only 5 months without all my feminine bits.....when he said an ovary like yours was already engulfed I thought yep, I made the right decision. He would have been leaving a mess behind inside me.

A specialist endometriosis surgeon can surely remove this ovary with precision to keep your bowel tissues intact leaving minimal endometrial cells behind which you treat with 1 year on combined hrt. Apparently the progesterone stops regrowth. I'm on a patch its Evorel Conti Combined.

Ok so endometrial cells may be inside me still but if I got endo regrowth I cannot think about that now I just wd have to deal if it arose, can't live life like that anyway.

How are you now?

Best Wishes


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