Date for my hysterectomy: I had a call... - Healthy Happy Woman

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Date for my hysterectomy

Butterfly98 profile image
19 Replies

I had a call today to say I have a date for my hysterectomy for October 18th. So now I'm on countdown! Any advice from you ladies who have already gone through surgery would be great. I've read all your posts and you all sound like you're recovering well despite the tiredness!

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Butterfly98 profile image
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19 Replies
KA410 profile image

Not long to wait! I hope all goes well for you. Make sure you take all the help and support offered to you. I am 11 days post hysterectomy and I had a bit of a wobble a few days ago when I was trying to get back to normal and stop depending so heavily on others (especially my mum) but I have now accepted that I can't do it all and I need to sit back and let my family look after me. Taking it easy and getting a good recovery initially will mean a quicker and better recovery long term.

I'll be thinking of you in the 18th.

Take care.

Kirsty xx

Butterfly98 profile image
Butterfly98 in reply to KA410

Thank you! I've got 2 older teenage boys at home and another who will be home from uni for half term when I've had my op. I trying to "train them" to wash up, do the washing and generally keep the house tidy, so I won't stress out at the mess when I've recovering! I've also got lots of friends who have offered their help! I'n usually a busy person so I know I've got to learn to relax and listen to my body while I recover. x

dasprior profile image

Say "yes" when people offer help and don't be afraid to ask for help!! I keep falling into the trap of "it's not that heavy / will only take a second / everyone is busy" and doing dumb things ... then spending the next few hours feeling sore and regretting it!!

Use a gentle laxative to make sure you get you bowels moving asap - will help heaps with the discomfort. Some of the pain meds bind you up.

Good luck, hope all goes well!

Amshell profile image

My hysterectomy is on the 15th October. From all the stories that I've read the most important thing is to rest, rest, rest. I've suffered for so many years and this last year I've had no life so I'm going to make sure I recover properly and not mess it up. Someone told me that you only have one chance to heal properly so do it right. My husband has time off work after my op, my kids are also teenagers and my mum retires 10 days after my op so I have plenty of support. I've also been cooking double meals and freezing one so it's easy for the family just to pull something out the freezer. My husband is great a most things but cooking isn't one of them, my daughter only cooks plain pasta or boiled eggs😂 and my son would order pizza everyday if he could! Good luck with your op xx

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Butterfly98

That's great you have a date 😊 The waiting is the hard part! Good idea to get your boys trained up 😊 I tried to get on top of the house before I went in. Also had some pasta sauces etc frozen, and was up to date with laundry, housework etc 😊

I also tried to keep my fitness up prior to surgery, and was walking round the block from day 5 which really helped the wind/bowels. I was prescribed a stool softener, rather than a laxative, as its slightly gentler, which I'm still using once a day until week 6 (reduced from twice a day after 3 weeks)

It is difficult to accept that healing takes time, but as many will testify, trying to do too much too soon is counter productive and sets you back. 😊

Good luck and very best wishes 😊❤️😊

Butterfly98 profile image

I think I'll give stool softeners a try rather than laxatives - do you buy them over the counter? At the moment I tend to rely on drinking lots of water and eating prunes!

I also try to walk a lot, so here's hoping my general fitness helps on my road to recovery!

I'm planning to get the house and garden sorted in the next few weeks so that when I'm recuperating I'm not looking at things I want to be sorted/cleaned! My boys can run a hoover round and do the washing! Not sure what their standard of washing up is up to though, but I guess there's always paper plates if we run out! I'm going to do the food shopping on-line for a few weeks and arrange delivery for when people are around to unpack for me!

I'm sure I read your original post, but how long were you in hospital for after your op & do I really need a nightdress that I'll never wear again?

Thanks x

lubee profile image
lubee in reply to Butterfly98


I'm 8 weeks post full adbominal hysterectomy and removal of ovaries I'm 43.

I had surgery on the Tuesday afternoon, I did feel nauseous during the night - my pain was well controlled.

Wednesday morning had my catheter removed on request, I was then able to have a little walk around to go to the bathroom and get a coffee.

Thursday morning I showered got dressed, leggings & t shirt then put a little make up on, it made me feel a bit more human.

Went home Thursday afternoon.

My mum stayed for two weeks I did absolutely nothing on her instruction .

I do believe those two weeks set me up for my speedy recovery.

I've two boys and amazing friends who have continued to support my recovery.

I'm hoping to go back to work on week 10. Although I have to say I have been working a little from home since week 7.

Yes a nightie is a good idea as I had a catheter and drain after surgery.

I also took in a mason jar type glass with a lid & straw so I could drink a lot and not worry about spilling it - you Also drink more from a straw so that'll help with the bowels.

I had no appetite after surgery so was thankful I took in some Jaffa cakes lol !!

I hope that helps in some way & I can honestly say my pain was far less then expected.

Good luck X

Butterfly98 profile image
Butterfly98 in reply to lubee

Thank you! It's good to hear you're doing so well.

I work in a special needs school, so going back to work will be phased to start with and will depend on what I'm allowed to do. With the op being the middle of next month in my head I'm looking at January for going back to school.

Only being in hospital for 2 nights sounds great. Did you have your op by laparoscopy to get home so quickly?


lubee profile image
lubee in reply to Butterfly98


No I had abdominal so the bikini line cut - it's very neat I have to say

Yes working in school will be more demanding

I did work yesterday in the office as I had some bits to clear up ( I know I'm signed off) but I can feel pulling in my abdomen today !!!.... Doctor knows best !!

I will also do a phased return to work -I'm an area manager - doctor suggested a few full days instead of half days which makes perfect sense as colleagues know not to contact you on those days and to work half days is sometimes impossible and the hours are not stuck to.

I also work in the education sector so at least we have the holidays to look forward to. So for you if you go back in January you know half term is in Feb - those goals will be good to focus on.

Hope all goes well for you

If you want to ask anything else please do so, I can only go on my experience though.

But I will say it's a slow recovery process and if you need to sleep do it.

I have found it frustrating at times

I've ordered groceries on line and they carried it all in to my kitchen .

My friends have made me go out to walk / go for coffee etc I was going for a daily walk at 2 weeks only round the block to start with, again regular as clock work my friend would call on me to walk with me. Then I'd end up having to sleep after lol

It's amazing how people rally round and support you.

Take the help

Hope all goes well for you X

Butterfly98 profile image
Butterfly98 in reply to lubee

I think the fact I won't be as active as I am usually will be the most frustrating thing, but it'll just be something I'll have to get used to! Everything else I can cope with as I have great friends who are offering to help out.

My consultant is saying he will do my surgery by laparoscopy, but I have a large fibroid and can't imagine how he can remove that without breaking it up first, which I don't want him to do. I'd rather it came out in one piece so I'll say that in my pre-op.

How soon did you start driving? Did you have to check with your GP when you did so?

Sorry for all the questions, but I like to be prepared!


lubee profile image
lubee in reply to Butterfly98


Yes the frustration of not being able to do 'normal' things hit me - but you know it's for the best.

I drove around the block with a friend at around 4 weeks. As long as you can do an emergency stop - check with your insurance company, you may be sooner though as I had open surgery.

Yes I had fibroids and endo. So I was glad I was opened up as it were to ensure all was taken.

Thankfully I can already tell The benefits of my surgery I have none of the endo pain nor swelling - so the bit of soreness I'm getting I can cope with as it's different pain if that makes sense and I know it won't last forever.

Are you having your ovaries removed ?.... I did and all I've noticed is the hot flushes and they soon go - I've an appt mid October to see my consultant so I'll discuss the menopause then with him.


Butterfly98 profile image
Butterfly98 in reply to lubee

Hi lubee I'n having my ovaries out as well. I was wondering what to do about menopause as I'm 50, so presumably I'm not far off. My friends swears by HRT, but I'm not one for taking any medication so was thinking of trying to bear with the symptoms. Thanks for the info about driving - I'm sure I won't feel up to it for a few weeks at least! I've had my letter from the hospital today so it's actually real now it's in writing! Thanks for all your advice. I hope my recovery can go as smoothly as yours has done x

lubee profile image
lubee in reply to Butterfly98

I'm the same as you regarding taking meds.

I just wanted to see how my body reacted before taking HRT and so far so good really without, but it's the long term effects I will discuss with my consultant.

Yes seeing it in writing makes it real

Have a good weekendX

dasprior profile image
dasprior in reply to lubee

I'm 2.5 weeks post op now and haven't needed the HRT. Few hot flushes, but nothing unbearable. Drove yesterday for the first time and it really took it out of me. Turning corners was the worst. Time. just not a patient person and learning to sit still is hard!! Good luck to you.

Chel69 profile image

Hi Butterfly98 . I've just had my date. I'm going in on 21st October. I have to admit, I am scared. People on here are great. It's nice to get some good feedback. I hope yours goes well.xxxx

Butterfly98 profile image
Butterfly98 in reply to Chel69

Hi Chel69 Good luck for your surgery too! Everything has been such a whirlwind for me since I first visited my GP so I haven't even thought about being scared -yet! I only went to the GP at the end of July and here I am now, 3 weeks away from major surgery!

But like you say it's great to read good feedback from other ladies, it makes what we'll be going through much more positive


lubee profile image
lubee in reply to Chel69

Hope all goes well for you x

Overit15 profile image
Overit15 in reply to Chel69

I go in 21st october as well must say I'm abit scared :-( has everyone else had their cervix taken as well? Will intercourse be possible? Have pre op on the 11 th hope to get all the info I need ! They are taking tubes maybe saving 1 ovary any thoughts on this ladies ?

Butterfly98 profile image

Chel69 and Overit15 , I've just been looking back over posts and saw you were both due for surgery on Friday! How did you both get on?

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