Issues with eyes: Does any one have... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Issues with eyes

Stannington-lad profile image
22 Replies

Does any one have issues with their eyes?

From time to time I see flashing of red and my eyes starts to jump also I mistakenly see things or I just blink and then things just appears.

Any help is appreciated.

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Stannington-lad profile image
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22 Replies
Sue2803 profile image

the only problem I seem to get is blurred vision sometimes, but think this could be due to taking hydroxy.

Do you think it could be some of your meds causing it.

Stannington-lad profile image


I used to get these issues before I started to take certain meds. That's some that I forgot. I get blurred vision from time to time.

I keep saying to my wife that, if I was an animal with these problems, they would have put me down by now.

jetjetjet profile image

i have visual problems, usually with migraines involved . one being a blurr , the other parts of my vision is blank, like looking at a big puzzle and then removing pieces . these pieces removed it what i wout see . i had a feeling of pressure in my head that will also do it . balance also effected many times with any of the problems. jet

emmaj profile image

I have lots of blind spots in my vision i think it is one of the symptoms of aps. Ive recently been to opthalmics as i had pain in my temples and eyeball and c heek numbness - my cnsultant says people with aps are at risk of vasculitis so get behind your eyes checked very often - any signs of inflammation and either steroids or immunosuppressants are used, I have peripheral vision loss due to a stroke and my eyes are fine and healthy. Its sometimes sludgy blood not supplying behind the eyes that is the problem - think im due to start on warfarin tomorrow x

jetjetjet profile image

emm you have not been on warf before, i would be wondering how they will effect your other meds. i know with me there isnt to much they are willing to give me. with me it seems everything seems to set it off . but then again they have never been able to stablize me any ways, so its hard to actually say just what does it ?? jet

Stannington-lad profile image
Stannington-lad in reply to jetjetjet

Hi, I am not on Warferin as they say that Aspirin will do the trick. I don't even know if my INR is OK as no one has checked this either.

Thank you for the reply

vickysweetland profile image
vickysweetland in reply to Stannington-lad

Stan, get your INR checked, have you seen a doctor?, see one. I had a clot in my arm and was tested for APS, and I have Hughes, on Warfarin now, for life I would recommend reading Sticky Blood explained Kay ThacKray if you haven't already. The doctor I see and the hospital have been great. My doctor referred me to the A&E Immediatley as I had a clot in my arm. I carried on for a week like that I looked lie a Russian Shotputter,

vickysweetland profile image
vickysweetland in reply to vickysweetland

PS,yes I get eye disturbance too.

in reply to vickysweetland

Can I ask you about your clot in your arm ? For a few months now I have had a dull ache in my left arm in the muscle and it fells like its bruised. I am trying to think back as to whether I have pulled it in anyway and damaged the muscle but nothing springs to mind and I have not done any exercise to cause this- what are the signs of clots in your arms ? I don't want to be a nuisance at my GP's and find that I am over reacting ! It just seems to be dragging on and I can only explain that it feels like its been wacked !! No redness but sometimes warm in that area - Any suggestions ?

jessielou profile image
jessielou in reply to Stannington-lad

Hi Terry

The Docs say that unless you have had a clot in a vein or an artery, that aspirin should protect you. If you are worried and

as you are lupus anticoagulant positive Hughes, same as I am, push for further tests or an appointment with Haemotologist or Rheumatologist if you not seen one already. Sadly many Gp`s have very little knowledge of Hughes Syndrome.

Otherwise try get a referral to St Thomas`s in London. They are fantastic.

Suzypawz and i met up a few times at Stanhope Arms in Burton-on-Trent. Suzy starting Hughes group in this area so if you interested will be in touch when getting together.

I too have issues with eyes, dry, flashes, blind spots and problems with peripheral vision.

Hope you ok today

take care gentle hugs Sheena xxxx Jessielou xxx :-) :-) :-)

Stannington-lad profile image
Stannington-lad in reply to jessielou


I am going to have blood test for Rheumatoid as I am getting pain in my toes and fingers, I did mention to my GP when I went to the Patient forum that your phospholipid could give you the pain same as Rheumatoid. Another week to go for my blood test and then around 24/72hrs when I get the results.

cannot wait to see what's what!!!

jessielou profile image
jessielou in reply to Stannington-lad

Hi terry

sorry missed this. I hope tests help get to the bottom of things. Aps does seem to cause sore joints and my hands and feet hurt like h### sometimes.

Let us know how things go hon.

Take care gentle hugs sheena xxxxx :-) :-) :-)

emmaj profile image

My consultant seemed to know his stuff about aps, and past patients,although he is opthalmics he was the one after a year and a half of floating around the system being accused of fegning eyesight problems diagnosed me with actually having had a stroke, everyone had missed it on the mri! Ive had clexane (heparin) in pregnancy before but now im on statins and antidepressants because of the length of time this has all been going on for. As far as i know as long as your inr's are checked frequently once you start a new med then you should be ok - I think its all trial and error really! Hope you get sorted and maybe referred to opthalmics. I have an appointment with the low vision clinic soon who can help with prism glasses etc - maybe they could help you too? I have problems looking for something thats clearly in front of me but i cant see it!

jetjetjet profile image
jetjetjet in reply to emmaj

emm. i am border line diabetic. , also high colesterol. so when the a.p.s. and massive clots came into the picture, my eye doc did very exstensive testing. back of my eyes,i guess about every thing he could think of, still tested every year, but nothing has ever came to lite of a problem.. [yet] jet

emmaj profile image

Im having the same problem mate, eyes look fine and behind, my gp says anyone whos got eye problems or dodgy blood should be on statins even if their cholestrol is fine its been proved to help by bringing it down even further. Opthalmics said its obviously behind even though newer mri's show no change - very weird!

Herb profile image

Yes, I had similar, initially diagnosed as migraine, it is to do with the blood flow in that part of the brain which "sees". Make a symptom diary to show to your consultant.

Stannington-lad profile image

Hi Every, Thank you for all you answers thee are very usefull.

Edinburgh profile image

Hi - when I went undiagnosed I had really bad blurred vision every day - then discovered I had 6 mini strokes and was put on warfarin and simvastin 18 months ago and have never had problem since - not once! Aspirin didn't work for me either - so check out warfarin.

I do however still get very dry eyes - probably caused by computer work too.

Good luck.

CindyCB profile image

Does anyone have problems with depth perception? I have what feels like blurred vision (although my eyes were fine at my last check up) but I have trouble crossing the road because I can no longer judge the distance the cars are away from me.

Stannington-lad profile image
Stannington-lad in reply to CindyCB

I was told that my eye goes blurred as it is my Migrain what causes this. Is this the case for you?

Storky profile image

Very dry Eyes could be Sjogrens Syndrome which can go hand in hand with APS. You need artificial tears. I was dx with both together after my stroke. I lost some of my left central vision after that but it came back after a month.

I know what you mean about perception of depth although I am not sure quite what it is really. But I do feel when I am out and crossing the road not quite as able as I was and not sure if this is to do with the whole balance and perception of things now. I can see, my mapping is normal but somehow there are times when you know everything is not quite right and I end up rubbing my eyes or adjusting my glasses hoping for a reaction which does not come.

Perhaps its just on days when I am more fatigued or if the light is bad - I cant put my finger on it.

jessielou profile image

Hi all

Have similar problems with distance, crossing roads etc.

I use lacrilube for dry eyes. Although can't see a bloomin thing after using it.

First rheumy who got everything wrong had me in tears, then did the blotting paper test !!! Mmmm again!!! So not suffer from dry eyes!!!

Is aps the culprit??? Possibly!!!

Take care gentle hugs sheena xxxxx jessielou xxxx :-) :-) :-)

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