I can manage to compensate and strangely better when driving - Optiician said common with fibro any one else had anything like this ?
Hi all - just had a period of double ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hi all - just had a period of double vision (still going ) on and off but quite blurry -

Hi sorry to hear you are having problems with your vision. I do know vision problems are a part of APS, I suffer problems with computer and reading when my INR goes below 3. Have you had your INR checked.
I must say it does not sound very safe to drive with double vision or blurry vision. What does your GP say regarding driving at this time?
Hi hun, sorry to hear you are having difficulties to your vision, I have heard ther Fibro' patients mention this in a meeting I once went to ( I dont have fibro' I went with a friend)
I know APS patients can have this if their inr becomes low? also it can be tia symptoms.....not saying it is tho'...........
If it persists go & see your gp, but it may be the fibro', keep ok, Sue x
O thanks both - yes i will see GP if it persists into next week - I know it doesn't sound great to be driving but that's what's strange about it -it seems to right its self in the car -computer is the worst but unfortunately i have to use it a lot at work. I will take things easy - but thinking about it it does seem more fibro than neuro -other muscles are killing at the mo - I know its all connected. It does make a difference sounding others out. So thanks again
I have been having problems with bouts of double vision since June 3. Have been to 4 different doctors twice. My Neuro put me on 10 mg nortriptyline which helped for about 2 months then it came back woarse than ever, so he increased it to 25 mg but I couldn't handle it so am back on 10 mg and it has been back a little about 4 times. In the next 2 weeks I go for a second opion to an Opthamologist and next week my hemo is retesting my APS levels and my SLE levels,she said she thinks the Lupus might be the cause. I have not had a TIA or stroke and am only on 325 mg Aspirin per day. Mine is woarse it seems when I am driving but I also get it when not driving. I have it at night all the time, can not drive at night at all. Good luck and let us know how you make out, Hugs,
A thought: maybe the vision improvement has something to do with the way you are sitting and holding yourself when driving? Hands on wheel reduces pressure on upper spine? Heated car seats or very good car heater? Or colder in the car? How one carries oneself can have a profound impact on circulation.
Just a thought.

Hi there, I hope you get to the bottom of this. it must be a bit of a worry for you, let us know on progress made. Mary F x
See the doctor, you could be having TIAs or seizures.
Thanks all - have an appt with GP this morning - will let you know how I go.