Is anyone else having problems with t... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Is anyone else having problems with the sites e mail notifications ? Mine are coming through oddly formatted and very sporadically ?
Hi suziech,
We have recently changed the design of notification emails - how it looks and what it shows; this is probably why it is coming off in a different format. We wanted to make it easier for our users like you to see the most popular blogs and unanswered questions within the email itself, which is a lot more convenient.
If you believe that there is a problem with the emails that you are receiving, you can forward the email to me at: and I will have a look at it.
You can also change how often you receive your emails in your email notification settings area, here: hughes-syndrome.healthunloc... and in the future, if you need to access this page, can click on your username (or on settings) on top right of any page and then choosing the Email Notification menu.
Finally, if you have any technical questions related to HealthUnlocked site itself, you can click on the big red Feedback button on top right of any page to get a quicker answer.
Hope this answers your questions.
I am new and recently signed up but notifications are coming through fine. Hope you are able to resolve your issue as I know how valuable this sight is.
Thanks for your help folks, will check my settings, and see if I can work it out.
I have stopped receiving notifications all together and I miss them terribly!