Hughes Syndrome APS Forum

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oleary profile image
6 Replies

I would just like to know if with migrains you can get a pain in the temple with a pain around the eye and back of the head and movement can make it worse, also a burning sensation in the temple.

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oleary profile image
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6 Replies
Helene profile image

The most typical thing about migraine is that once the attach is properly going, most people have pain only half sided: one eye, one temple, one side of your neck. It will change side next time you have a migraine, or you you might get the same side a couple of times in a row, but over time it is most likely that you have just as many migraines on each side. Migraines have a lot of different symptoms, everyone doesn't get all of them, thankfully! And there are a lot of things you can try out to reduce the amount of attacks and the severity. If you haven't been diagnosed and think you have migraine, start by talking to your GP.

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to Helene

I have had my migrain now for nearly 2wks going from the left to the right, i have pain in the temple by a throbbing sensation to a sharp pain, i get very sick n have very bad dizzyness with it. Ive been told by my doc just to take paracetamol n naproxen as i have hughes syndrome and i cant take anything else.

hasmoxie2 profile image

YES! Its like someone using an icepick in my head, my eye, my jaw, above my ear, back of head and once it was so bad that I laid on the bathroom floor (vomiting) and couldnt move cause of the pain(and would make me vomit more) and it was freezing and the bath towels were hanging just arms reach away but I was too sick to move!

debi in Fl w APS

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to hasmoxie2

Yeah its the same for me, feels like some1 has my head in a clamp, stabbing pains and burning in my temple. I feel like crying with it, i just cant cope with the constant pain all the time. do you find your moods change with it as mine does. I feel very sick but have to hold back with being sick as im on warfrin.

BrazilianBade profile image

Yeap! For me the only thing That Works is putting Ice for twenty minutes and a high dose of pain killer and remain in bed for as long as the pain drives me crazy :'(. Hope you get better. Beijos

ASigmon profile image

Other responses have noted that you've just about perfectly described what a migraine feels like. One other comment: I had frequent migraines for 20 years before I was diagnosed with APS. After I was diagnosed and began warfarin therapy, the migraines ceased altogether. As Professor Grant Hughes has noted, migraines can be a symptom of blood that's too thick (which is a major risk factor for stroke). While I no longer have migraines, I do sometimes notice headaches when my INR is too low. So you might look into that. You don't mention whether you are taking warfarin, but my doc won't let me take naproxyn because of the possibility of major interactions with warfarin. An APS diagnosis coupled with migraine problems is a red-alert risk factor for stroke.

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