The weather changes give horrible pains - Hughes Syndrome A...

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The weather changes give horrible pains

Danimgw profile image
10 Replies

The weather changes give horrible pains in my joints. Do any of you suffer from this?

I had difficulty getting up this morning, loads of pains in my knees

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Danimgw profile image
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10 Replies
CanaryDiamond10 profile image

Weather changes would dictate my entire day if I let them. Right down to the barometric pressure. I logged it for a year in my journal and found that any change in pressure, temperature or humidity would have a change effect on my body pain and mood. Some weather changes are worse than others. Tornados with tremendous pressure changes brings definite body ouches. Sometimes I ache before the weather change gets here. I have osteoarthritis, and those are the things weather does to that disease. I also have fibromyalgia and those same weather events cause change to muscle bringing about muscle pain on top of the bone pain. Long enough and it becomes all encompassing pain. Add a migraine to that which also seems to come about during a rain storm or snow storm and it's really hard to decipher what change is causing which pain. I think many people who have been diagnosed wth APS have multiple diagnoses and have pain from all the diagnoses. It's very difficult to separate pain in order to treat the right pain in the right way. I think it's the hardest question to answer the doctor. Where is the pain and what caud it to flare? Well, gee, if knew that would I be here? When you're in pain that's what you have to control. Pain causes change in temperment as well as physical endurance. We just get crabby! You have plenty of company around the joint pain. I sincerley hope yours is better soon.


InSpain profile image

My husband says that we don't need to watch the weather reports on the TV because I'm far more accurate in predicting the weather than they are! I know if there is rain on the way, if it's going to be cold, if it's going to be very hot - anything to do with a change in the weather causes me to have extremely painful joints and swelling. I have SLE, APS, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis to name but a few and live constantly in pain with very swollen joints. I'm most certainly affected by the weather too. Interestingly, I have noticed that my legs/ankles start to swell more than usual if the weather is on the turn before my other joints start to hurt. All I can suggest is that you work out a suitable pain control plan with your Doctor's if this problem persists.

As Canary said I too hope that you soon feel well again xxx

Sal0712 profile image

I too get loads of aches and pains, dizziness and a strange feeling, that even though I'm walking forwards, I feel as though I'm going backwards!!!! Big hugs to all x X x

jessielou profile image


yes here too, struggled to move this morning, pain in back, neck, shoulders, feet and hands, think will try a vet, docs not helping much :-) :-)

I do find changes in pressure and weather affect a lot of my symptoms. Hating winter already, annual chest infection setting in, roll on March, :-) :-)

Sending gentle hugs hon. Hope pain feels better soon. Love sheena xxxxxx :-) :-) :-)

Kay722 profile image

Hi ladies, these comments caught my eye and did set alarm bells ringing!!! I am yet to be diagnosed with hughes syndrome but I am almost certain I have this condition following my 5miscarriage last week (I do have 5 children though). I have been complaining for months and months possibly years that I just ache all over my joints seem stiff and sore and I get terrible bone pain!! I was diagnosed with symphis pubis dysfunction during my last pregnancy and this has never gone away even though it's only supposed to be pregnancy related (MRI scan has shown damage to my pelvis and signs of degeneration)?? I was due to see my dr this morning but my car decided to misbehave last night so will have to reschedule, I am desperate to get the blood test so i can know for sure if I have this condition I have many of the symptoms but not all!!! I am a little scared to be honest!! I really thought I was starting with early onset arthritis or something but it could be part of Hughes syndrome am I right!!! I can barely walk in the mornings and getting up of the floor is a right royal pain in the butt and hip, then there's my back!!!! I also read that a majority of women with Hughes are rhesus negative, which I am also, my grandfather had MS which I believe Drs sometimes misdiagnose when they really have Hughes!!! I get terrible headaches with a change of weather and can always predict a storm, hubby finds this a bit spooky and thinks I'm some sort of witch!!! Once I have the test I will let you all know the outcome, in the meantime I will continue to use this site/group as have found it so helpful even though I've not had a firm diagnosis, just medical staff mentioning in passing after miscarriages (not sure why they didn't follow it up) could have saved me a lot of heartache!! I hope you all have a good day whatever good is for each of you!! Regards Kay x

Manofmendip profile image

Hi Dani

I'm getting almost constant dizziness and my 'funny turns', so I hope I can conduct our choir tomorrow and I hope you are well enough to come to rehearsal; singing is so good for us both.

Best wishes.

Dave xx

Kernow profile image

Can well imagine how therapeutic a real good sing can be. Sadly I have the dreaded chest infection so croak like a frog! Whenever the temp changes and is even slightly humid my joints hurt, especially hands, knees and ankles. However this summer I got away from the UK for a quick trip to Spain. Madrid was basking in 40 degree temps but because the heat was ultra dry - no aches and pains! Yippee.

GinaD profile image

Nothing to add except . . . Ditto.

GinaD profile image

Wait a minute . . . I guess i do have something more to say. Something random? Or humorous?

My dog, JaneDog, whines and shakes with fear when a moisture laden front moves through. Some pet owners say that dogs can feel some echo of the electric discharge of a thunderstorm and they are scared and pained by this. Some pet owners find that charge dissipating " thunder capes" reduce the pain and anxiety pre and during storms. Such capes do not work on my dog. She shakes and whines when it starts to rain, or when a moisture laden cloud lies close. not just during storms. As she has aged she has become more sensitive to, and upset by, rain.

But seriously, is it possible that the fronts which effect our joints might effect some change on our pets! Of course, JaneDog does not have APS. . .

Seriously! Is it likely we are the only mammals with joints sensitive to pressure changes?

anje profile image

2 days ago walking down the stairs my knee joints were painful. Sure sign the weather is changing. That's why I hate the Winter and prefer Summer as it goes away then. Also pains in shoulders and neck joint. My veins and arteries are also twingy and worse in Winter. I won't mention the migraine pains!! Roll on next Spring!

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